Chapter 14: Be With Me

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Y/N's P.O.V

My vision is blury, when it becomes clearer I see Palpatine shooting force lighting into the air.

I look over and see Rey's body next to me, I then look up to the sky.

Y/N: (Whispers) I can't beat him. I can't do it alone.

I then enhale deeply and close my eyes.

Y/N: Be with me, be with me, be with me.

(A/N: Start playing at 00:47. I just wanted this in as it's such a great soundtrack.)

(A/N: Or if you want this one instead start playing this one at 00:41. I couldn't decide between the two so I put both in. It's up to you which one you wanna play. If you ask me either would be good for this part in the actual movie.)

I then hear the voice of uncle Luke's original Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Obi-Wan: These are your final steps, Y/N. Rise, and take them.

Anakin: Y/N.

Ahsoka Tano: Y/N.

Kanan Jarrus: Y/N.

Anakin: Bring back the balance, Y/N, as I did.

Mara: The light. Find the light, Y/N.

Qui-Gon Jinn: Every Jedi who ever lived, lives in you.

Anakin: The Force surrounds you, Y/N.

Kyle: Let it guide you.

Mace Windu: Feel the Force flowing through you, Y/N.

Anakin: Let it lift you.

Luminara Unduli: Rise, Y/N.

Qui-Gon: We stand behind you, Y/N.

Obi-Wan: Y/N.

Mara: Y/N.

Yoda: Rise in the Force, Y/N.

Kanan Jarrus: In the heart of a Jedi lies their strength.

As I hear these voices I'm able to slowly get up as I continue to hear their voices.

Obi-Wan: Rise.

Qui-Gon: Rise.

Kyle: Rise.

Luke: Y/N, the Force will be with you. Always.

I then finally stand to me feet and force pull my grandfather's saber to my robotic hand and ignite it.

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