Chapter 13: I Am A Jedi

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Y/N's P.O.V

As Rey, Ben and I stood there with our sabers raised Plapatine smiles in amusement.

Palpatine: Ah, Y/N and Ben Solo here to save the girl are you?

We stay silent and he looks to Rey.

Palpatine: Foolish children. You're not the only one who has friends.

We then see a figure walk towards us.

The figure comes into the light and it's and takes off their helmet to reveal my darkside alter ego.

Y/N: What how?

Dark Y/N: Well let's just say I've been given life by my Master.

We then look around to see guns been aimed at us by Sith troopers.

Ben looks to me.

Ben: Y/N, Rey and I will deal with the troopers. You deal with yourself.

I nod.

Ben and Rey go over to the troopers and deal with them leaving me with my dark self and Plapatine.

My dark self and I charge at each other and clash sabers.

I then break off the attacks and kick him in the chest sending him backwards and to his knees.

Dark Y/N: Is that the best you got?

Y/N: Hardly.

He and I run at each other again and start clashing sabers.

As he and I fight Plapatine starts taunting me.

I swing at my dark self, but he jumps over the blades I then use this as an opportunity to force push him to the ground.

He slides across the ground on his back.

Palpatine: Good. Use your aggressive feelings boy, let the hate flow through you.

I look back at Palpatine as I know what he's trying to do.

My dark self comes at me swinging, but I dodge all of them then do a backflip to a beam above us.

Dark me chuckles.

Dark Y/N: You don't know the full power of the darkside.

Y/N: I do, and I'm never gonna let it consume me ever again.

Dark Y/N: Well, if you will not turn then you will meet your destiny.

He throws his lightsaber at me, but I duck under it. Though his saber cuts the beam down and I fall down with it.

I then sneak off into the narrow hallways outside the throne room.

After a few minutes of hiding I hear my dark self start talking.

Dark Y/N: You can't hide forever Y/N. I can feel you, I can feel your anger.

I stay silent.

Dark Y/N: You know, once I've killed you and that traitor Kylo Ren your girl and I are gonna have some fun. Let's just say she's gonna wish she was dead once I'm done with her.

Him mentioning what he was gonna do to Rey is what made me snap. I come out from the corner I was hiding in and activate my saber.

Y/N: NO!!!

I start swinging at him and he only just manages to block my swings. He then realised that bringing Rey into it was crossing the line.

As I'm swinging at him it's pushing him back into the throne room. Once we're there I kick his feet out from under him.

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