Chapter 3: Going To Pasaana

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(Two hours later)

As Rey and I are sitting in the workshop looking through Jedi texts we hear a Resistance pilot call out.

Resistance pilot: Commander Solo, Captain Solana. The Falcon's back.

We both nod and head down to the touch down area along with BD-7 and BB-8.

When we get there my eyes widen as I see that the Falcon is on fire and has been shot to shit.

Poe: It's on fire! It's all on fire!

Poe then comes over to Rey and I.

Rey: Hey!

Poe: Hey guys!

Rey: There's a spy?

Poe: We really coulda used you two out there today.

Y/N: How'd it go out there?

Poe: Really bad actually. Really bad.

He looks down at BB-8.

Poe: What'd you do to my droid?

Y/N: What'd you do to my ship?

Poe: The Falcon is in a lot better shape than he is.

Y/N: BB-8's not on fire, the Falcon is.

Poe: What's left of him isn't on fire.

Y/N: Tell me what happened!

Poe: You tell me first.

Y/N: You know what you are?

Poe: What?

Y/N: You're difficult. You're a difficult man to be around.

Poe: And you are...

Finn: Y/N, Rey.

Rey: Finn.

Rey and I go over and hug Finn.

Rey: You made it back.

Finn: Yeah, barely.

Y/N: So, bad mood?

Finn: Me?

Y/N: No, him.

Finn: Always.

Rey: So, do we have a spy?

Chewie then growls about it.

I then go back over to Poe.

Y/N: You lightspeed skipped?

Poe: Well it got us back here, didn't it?

Y/N: Poe, the compressor is down.

Poe: Oh I know.

Y/N: You can't lightspeed skip in the Falcon. Now what the hell happened?

Poe: Bad news that's what.

Rey: So, no spy?

Poe: No there was a spy.

Rey: Did we make contact with the spy or not?

Poe looks back to me.

Finn then says that the First Order has a mole that's given us this information.

Poe: You dropped a tree on him?

Y/N: You blew both sub-alternators?

Poe and I continue to argue and he complains about us been here training, instead of being out there with them.

Star Wars Male Reader X Son of Han Solo and Leia Organa  Episode 9 TROSWhere stories live. Discover now