Chapter 19: The Path of A Jedi

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(Three weeks later)

(Planet: Ajan Kloss)

Y/N's P.O.V

So it's been three weeks since I took Kira as my Padawan, and as she's still new to this she's having some trouble adjusting to the way of a Jedi. But I expected that as all force sensitive's at her age have trouble adjusting at first.

She's eager to learn though, so that's good.

Kira has now sorta become like a little sister to me, which is nice as I always wanted a little sister or brother for that matter.

Kira is also warmed up to the other's a lot, especially mum as mum did always want a daughter and Kira has kinda become that for her. Finn and Poe have been teaching her how to shoot. Rey, Ben and I have been teaching her how to fly.

BD-7 and BB-8 like her too.

We're currently on a mountain side on Ajan Kloss training, with Rey, mum, Ben and Finn watching nearby. Kira is doing a handstand as she focuses on letting go.

Y/N: Focus Kira, focus on letting go.

Kira: Letting go? I'd rather hold on if you don't mind.

Y/N: Enough jokes, focus.

Kira groans as she does her best to stay up right.

Kira: I'm trying Master.

Y/N: Do or do not, there is no try.

Kira: What does that mean? How can I do something if I don't try to do it.

Y/N: Uh... well you see... yeah, that one always confused me to but my Master sure used to say it alot.

After a bit of planned distraction from Finn to test Kira she ends up falling.

I go over and help her up.

Kira: Does Finn have to be here?

I look out at the view.

Y/N: He's annoying, but there's always gonna be distractions Kira. You have to learn to focus through them.

Leia: He's right Kira.

I then get an idea and turn to Kira.

Y/N: Here, let's try something else.

I unclip Master Katarn's lightsaber from the back of my belt and hand it to Kira.

She looks at it in awe.

Kira: Master, when do I get my own lightsaber?

I put my hand on her shoulder.

Y/N: Kira, having a lazer sword doesn't make you a Jedi.

Kira: (Whispers) It's me closer though.

She then activates it nearly stabbing me in the face in the process.

I back up quickly and stand to my feet.

Y/N: Woah! Careful!

She has trouble holding it due to the blade's size.

I kneel down behind her and put both hands on her shoulders.

Y/N: Okay, so there's a control on the side that'll adjust the length to your height.

She turns the control and the blade shrinks down to her height.

Kira: Wow, I didn't know a lightsaber could do that.

Y/N: Not all of them can. My Master built in the control as when he first started training me, he let me use his saber.

She nods as she understands.

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