Chapter 2

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*A New Beginning*

"You BITCH!"

It takes a second for my mind to register that this profanity is directed towards me. And before I can react, it sets off whole chain of accusations from "What's big deal with her?" to "Who the hell does she think she is?" "She is not even size zero" "Has J gone blind?" and before they could tear me apart into pieces Komal pulls me out of it.

"Are you okay?" she asks sounding bewildered. I realize that I'm grinning like an idiot. And I'm unable to stop myself.

How can I after what happened a while ago? J actually stopped to wipe away my face, his bare finger moving feather like on my cheek where it is still burning hot.

It is first time in eight years that he has acknowledged my presence and for first time I don't feel like ghost standing in crowd staring at him. My prayers have finally been answered. Thanks God Almighty!

"Hello" Komal waves her hand before my eyes.

From the look on her face I can tell I must be looking like some kind of patient escaped from mental asylum unable to control ecstacy for her new found life. I try to recompose my face but damn I couldn't wipe away that grin.

"What?" I manage to retort with as straight face as humanly possible but I am sure my burning cheeks give me away.

"What was all that about?" Komal asks after a while possibly giving me time to come out of my blush zone.

"What?" I ask again feeling more stupid this time. "Oh that...nothing much really" I shrug nonchalantly.

" 'Nothing much really?'" Komal echos with too much sarcasm than necessary.

"Okay" I give up holding my hands in air."Yes I cried. Now Shoot me"

And to my surprise Bobby does shoot me a punch in my stomach, which would've have hurt any other day but not today.

"You are such a drama queen. 'J doesn't know me anymore. J has forgotten about me!'" she says in imitating voice. And before I come up with further defence, a black sedan stops near us.

Time to flee.

"Gotta go. Bye guys" I quip as I jump in front seat.

"Hello Uncle" Bobby greets my father in driver seat.

"Hello Bobby beta. How are you?"

"I am fine Uncle...more than fine" Bobby grins at me and I urge dad to start the car before she spills any more unwanted beans.


If 6PM is highlight of my day, ride back home is most horrifying time of the same. Why? Here's the reason number..


"So beta, how was your day?"

"Fine, Dad"


"What did you studied new today?"

"Gee Dad, I'm not in school anymore"


"How's your test going on?"

"My tests finished a week ago"

And so it goes on...

Everyday I have to bear same old tiresome monologues of my over enthusiastic father.

My house is two hour drive from college so while I'm allowed to take bus in the morning...I'm forced to travel back with Dad who finishes work at same time (it was deal I had to struck with Mom so that she permits me to take admission at same college as J. The price I'm paying since one and half years just to see my sweetheart on daily basis. Often it feels like huge price that is if your sweetheart lives right next door)

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