Akane Joins The Party

Start from the beginning

"So you're not much better off,huh Hanako-kun?" I nod"yep but wait,I might've heard just one thing. The middle one of the clock keepers,is a student hidden some where in this school."

"A student?!" Kou exclaims"all we have to do is find this person-"Yashiro then speaks up"and convince them to stop playing pranks!" I smile and begin to punch Kou in the chest"we can beat them up first to lure the first and third out of hiding." Kou then finally grabs my hand"but how would we find them? There are a lot of students here." I pull my hand away from Kou and go over to Yashiro as I wrap my arms around her. "Don't worry,I think I know who we are looking for." I then glance to Y/N"you know who it is,don't you?" She nods"it's more of a hunch though." I nod"no matter how well they blend in to the human world,a school mystery supernatural would have a hard time hiding his or her identity from fellow supernaturals." I reach out my right arm and place my hand on one of the classroom doors.

"I sense a presence. Yashiro,it's from your classroom." She jumps slightly"m-my class?!" I nod"there is a keeper in there. You mentioned it a little while ago,didn't you? Your friend Aoi,the cute girl who is always telling you about the supernatural rumors. She was the one not affected by the prank,right? And don't you think that's a little-"I move my body a little so that my head is beside her,looking at her with a smirk"suspicious?" Yashiro then nervously laughs"w-what are you saying?! Aoi a school mystery? There's no way,that's impossible!"

That's when a girls laughter was heard as well as clock ticks and chimes. That's when the windows broke sending glass towards us and to litter the floor. I quickly summoned my cape and pointed it at the window"what the-?!" Kou exclaims"the windows!" Yashiro yells afterwards. That's when the classroom door opens to reveal a girl with purple hair,no doubt Aoi. "Nene-Chan!" The girl greets"I thought you were in the old building,what's up?"

"Oh Aoi..."Yashiro trails off slightly nervously as I stare at the girl,dismissing my cape as I see a ginger boy step out of the room. I smile to myself and go over to Yashiro"sorry Yashiro but-"she looks to me"I'm going to borrow this for a second." Yashiro lets out a gasp as I posses her body. Body possession was not something I did often seeing as it takes a drain on me,last time I possessed anyone was...never actually. When I came to I noticed that Kou was holding onto me-or Yashiro's body rather-so that I didn't fall. "Are you ok?" Kou asks me as I lift my right arm to my face. I forget how weird it feels to possess a body.

"You should probably go to the-"I then smirk and go over to Aoi and push her to the ground. My legs straddle her as I held her wrists"Aoi~." I place my face close to her with a smirk"you're not hiding anything from me,aaaaareee you~?"



She didn't utter a word,she only stared at me with a scared and nervous expression. "Aoi~." I then pulled her into my lap and placed my fingers on her chin lightly so that she was looking at me. "Are you hiding something from me? That makes me sad ya know..."


Still not a word,I was now growing impatient. That's when the idea hit me"if you insist on staying quiet-"I pulled her closer to me,I could feel her shaky breath on me. "Then maybe,I'll just have to seal your lips instead." I moved my head towards her as a scream was released into the hallway. I moved away to look at the ginger who was glaring at me angrily. He stomped over and pushed the two of us apart then grabbed the back of my(Yashiro's) uniform and drug me down the hall.

The boy brought us to the rooftop where he finally released me,cowering in a corner where he began to mutter to himself. It was...concerning. "E-Even without my body,I still get tired from running at full speed..."Yashiro groans"oh hey Yashiro!" I wave to the girl who was now a ghost. "Idiot,give Senpai back her body." Kou growls"that's nice and all but what should I do with this first?"

"'This'?" The three of them ask in unison as I point to the ginger who was muttering to himself still. "Good job Hanako,you broke the kid!" Y/N exclaims as I look to her"it was the only thing I could think of! Like you never possessed anyone to get your way!" She blushed and look the other way out of embarrassment. "Anyway,who is that again?"

"Oh,that's Akane. He's my classmate and an old friend of Aoi's." Kou and Yashiro began to tell me(and Y/N) about him. Our conversation was short lived when Akane swung a bat at me,it made me jump as I stared at him like a mad man. He's going to kill me!-her...yea her,Yashiro.

"What exactly were you doing back there Yashiro?" His voice was stern"o-oh nothing...uh ya know I-I was just...actually now that I'm thinking about it I was able to feel her a little and...she's actually pretty flat." Akane didn't say a word for a moment before slapping me while screaming "GIRL OR NOT! YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT COMMENT!"

"But why?!"


That's when I was released from Yashiro's body and was now on the rooftops floor as myself once more. "I'm back!" Yashiro exclaims happily"he legit knocked me out of her...that four eyes isn't half bad." I say with my hand on my sealed cheek"why did you say that though?" Kou hums looking at me"cuz it's the truth that's why." Y/N then speaks up"no it's because you're a pervert and a male." She states with her arms crossed"what's my gender have to do with anything? And you also died when you were my age,so isn't only normal for you to also be horny?" She blankly stared at me just blinking unsure of what to say"wooow that's information I didn't need to know. Thanks for sharing that Hanako,really appreciate it." My eyes widened as I stood up"wait that's not that I meant! I meant like how do you-how are you also not a pervert?!"

"Maybe cuz I'm better than you?" She smirks"hey! No you're not! Nobody even knows who you are!" She rolls her eyes"but I'm older than you,therefore I'm better." I then grabbed her hands and pulled her close to me"actually if you wanna know something,you are a lot prettier than the two of them." I pull away our hands still locked in each other's as her cheeks turned bright pink. "Sh-Shut up! N-No I'm not!" She stutters as I laugh and hear Akane speak up. "You want to learn Aoi's secret? Why?"

"Becauuusseee...well I just get this feeling that Aoi has been hiding something from me lately. It's been bothering me so much I'm only able to sleep at night now." Currently we were all sitting on the floor looking at Akane"isn't that nor-"Kou slaps a hand over my mouth"be quiet."

"Hm...well alright. If that's what this is about then I'll help."

"What?" Kou and Yashiro ask in unison. "You will?"

"Yep! I mean you're right! Aoi definitely seems to be worried about something recently. But she won't tell me what it is. She doesn't want her childhood friend to worry,how noble!" He cries but soon gives a closed eye smile"if it's anything like that,I have to eliminate the offender as soon as possible!" He then opens his eyes to reveal dark voids which makes me grab onto Y/N out of fear. "Because as her childhood friend,I have to support her ya know?!"

"The b-"Kou starts pointing towards the brown bat. "Y-You're right!" Yashiro exclaims slapping a hand over Kou's mouth"you're absolutely right!"

Just A Lover(Hanako-kun X Ghost! Reader) BOOK 2-COMPLETE-Where stories live. Discover now