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Ranboo was behind a pillar the whole time Y/N was painting. Y/N thought he left but he didn't. He stayed to watch him paint, he find it fascinating to turn paint into a masterpiece.

He was about to leave when he heard Y/N say he was going to go and finish off but then he heard a noise that triggered a sense for him to turn around. When he did, he saw that the ladder Y/N was on was wobbling and there were wet paint on one step. When Y/N was about to step on it, he tensed and when Y/N stepped on it and slipped, he ran and positioned himself to catch him.

Y/N closed his eyes thinking he was going to land and go unconscious. What he didn't know was someone was nearby enough to run and catch him.

He opened his eyes and saw Ranboo carrying him. Y/N immediately felt embarrassed and quickly squirmed out of his arms and stood up. He lowered his head and apologized,

"Your Highness, I am very very sorry." Y/N said. He stayed quiet for about 3 seconds while Y/N still has his head lowered.

"Why?" Ranboo asked in the most emotionless way possible, but there is a bit of concern that Y/N couldn't notice. He was too concern about being embarrassed.

"I kind of invaded your personal space, I am very sorry." He replied. "I know how much you hate that."

It was a stupid reason but for Y/N it was embarrassing. He just wanna leave. Ranboo didnt find it a reasonable reason but he thought he probably had adrenaline and anxiety running through his body because of what just happened that makes him think unreasonably.

"So, you're sorry that I saved you?" He asked back. "I should've let you fall then if that's what you want."

"No!" Y/N shouted, a little bit too loud. "I mean.. Thank you, Prince Ranboo."

"You're welcome." He replied back, walking away. Ranboo walked away a few meters from where he was then stopped and looked back at Y/N. "Great progress so far by the way. You should go ahead and rest."

Y/N looked back at the painting and saw that it was actually pretty good from a far.

He turned back to him to ask a question, "But what about theー" but he was gone already. "ーmess.."

Y/N sighed, defeated, and started to clean up when a few maids ran in to the throne room, with cleaning supplies, cleaning the paint splattered on the floor.

Ranboo exited the room and told a maid to go to the throne room to clean up the mess and to bring Y/N back to his quarters so he can rest. The maid immediately left and told the other maids.

After a few minutes, Niki came in along with other maids as well, worried.

"Are you okay?" She asked, checking if Y/N had any injuries. "Are you hurt?"

"Im alright Niki." Y/N showed her a reassuring smile and Niki smiled back. Y/N was suprised how caring Niki was. "How did all of you got here so fast?"

"The Prince told us you needed help." Niki replied.

Y/N raised his eyebrow in amazement that the Prince actually cared.

"He also said to accompany you back to your room." Niki continued. "He wanted to make sure you rest since you have been painting for a while."

"How did heー" Y/N thought.

Before he could respond, Niki dragged Y/N to his room and helped him with everything he needed.

He changed into a much more comfortable clothing, brushed his teeth and combed his hair while Niki was just there waiting until Y/N was ready so he can be free of the duties Ranboo assigned.

Paint My World || Ranboo x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now