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(A/N: im not a professional painter, so sorry in advance for any wrong technique or procedure mentioned here)

"The King ordered me to call his youngest son, Ranboo." Niki replied.

"So, Ranboo is his name?" Y/N thought.

Y/N never knew what his name was. The prince is very secretive about himself outside of the castle.

"Prince Ranboo?" Niki knocked on his door. "Your father requests you to be with him and your brother for your painted portrait."

It took him a while to open the door but when he did, it made Y/N jump. He wasn't ready yet when he opened the door. He still has his face covered.

"How can this man hide his face almost everytime?" Y/N thought.

"Can you help me for a bit, Niki?" He said quietly, almost like a whisper. "I can't seem to fix my hair and crown."

It was the first time Y/N heard his voice. It was a whisper but it seems so familiar to Y/N.

"Of course, Your Majesty." Niki replied. "May I?"

Ranboo let her in while Y/N stayed outside. He knew he wasn't gonna let him in in his bed chambers so Y/N has no choice to just wait.

After a few minutes, both of them came out of the prince's room. Niki assisted all of them to the throne room, Niki leading them, the prince a little bit behind Niki and Y/N in the back.

He kept his head lowered throughout all this walking, not wanting to accidentally look the prince in the eyes. The Prince usually looks back on him but Y/N has no idea why.

After a few turns, they reached the throne room. Philza and Techno was there already. There were a few things that Y/N needed to paint laid out on the floor. Some workers were also there, trying to clear out the space where Y/N will paint, they were removing the curtains in the way and also measuring the whole area where he can paint. When the king saw them arrive, he greeted cheerfully.

"Ranboo!" Philza greeted his son first. "Glad Niki can make you come out of your room!"

"It'll be done faster if I oblige right away." He said in his monotone voice. "Lets start this already."

He proceeded to sit on the throne that was set up to be the setting of the portrait.

"Y/N." The King greeted Y/N next. "Im so sorry about him, he just gets all annoyed and that whenever someone was in the castle that wasn't in our family."

Ranboo, who was rested his head on his knuckle, looked up at his father and Y/N. He observed Y/N's face without being too obvious.

"That's alright, your Majesty." Y/N replied. "You can go ahead and take your places now."

Prince Ranboo looked away immediately. Now he was seated on the throne in the middle, both his arms resting on the arm rests. On his right, Techno was standingーwith his arms behind his backーand Philza on the opposite side of Techno.

The photo would've been perfect if the queen was somehow there so Y/N thought of an another idea.

"Your Majesty?" He asked.

"Yes?" Philza replied. "Is there a problem?"

"I want to have someone model as the queen for this portrait." He continued. "I want to include her in the painting atleast. I think it would look better to see a complete family portrait."

Ranboo tensed at the mention of his mother. He gripped a bit tightly at the arm rests of the throne he was sitting in.

"Thats a great idea!" He exclaimed. "Who would model as her at this moment though?"

"Hmm." Y/N thought for a second. "maybe Niki?"

King Philza thought about it then agreed to it.

Ranboo let go of the arm rests and stood up.

Y/N changed their positions. He asked Niki to sit down on the throne, facing her body a little bit towards her left. Techno was now completely diagonal behind Niki, Ranboo was on the right side of the throne and Philza behind the throne.

(A/N: idk if this makes sense anymore, im sorry it is currently 12:16 am and I only had like 5 hours of sleep yesterday aaaaaaaaa)

Y/N started to mark out specific areas on a similarーbut smallerーpiece of paper. After a few minutes, he finished marking out the things he needed. (A/N: also known as sketching lmao)

"This should be a good enough reference to be transferred there." Y/N said pointing at the wall behind them.

"Great!" King Philza said clapping his hands. "Ill shall go ahead and do my duties then."

He walked towards Y/N grabbing his hands.

"Thank you again Y/N." He said. "This means alot."

"You're always welcome, your majesty." Y/N replied. He walked off right after.

After that, Niki walked up to Y/N again.

"Would you need some help?" She asked. "I can do something to help you."

"A photo of the queen perhaps?" Y/N shrugged. "But other than that, I can do this on my own. Ill just let you know if I do need help."

She nodded and walked away, off to do another chore.

Y/N walked up to the wall, he copied the sketch he made on the paper to the wall. After he finished, he walked over to the paint cans, there was a ladder as well leaning against the wall. He grabbed a paint palette and mixed the colors there. Y/N grabbed a fairly big brush and climbed up the ladder, cautiously.

Once he got up to the top, he started painting. Y/N planned to paint it from the most used color to the details to keep it neat. As he was painting, he heard Jack call on to him from the view platform above the throne room.

"Can I watch?" He asked.

Y/N turned to him and nodded, "Sure! You can probably learn something just from watching me."

He just leaned over to the railing and watched him paint.

He painted the curtains that was supposed to be behind them first. It was painted as moderately dark red. The whole portrait had red surrounding them, back, on the floor, the throne, and just more.

"This will be a huge use of red paint huh?" Y/N thought.

He continued painting while Jack was watching. He also gave him a few tips from time to time to have atleast small conversations with him. It was a good use of his time while painting.

Jack left a little bit later as he was tasked to do something else. After about 5 hours, Y/N have painted the base color of all the red curtains. It was already around 10 pm and most of the castle lights were off.

"Finally, I finished atleast one of my targets for today." He said wiping her forehead with his arm. "I should go rest and continue this tomorrow."

Y/N started to get off the ladder, taking his time to step down cautiously, when he accidentally slipped and fell off the ladder.

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