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"May I have this dance?" Ranboo asked.

Y/N looked at him with an awkward look. As if se was trying to tell him, 'are you sure?' just by his looks.

Ranboo offered his hand again and Y/N took it hesistantly. Y/N yelped as Ranboo pulled them to him. They started dancing along to the beat. Not caring about the paint on the floor and just spreading it more.

"Ranboo, we will have to clean more, stop!" Y/N said as Ranboo kept pulling them towards him while they dance.

"Live a little!" Ranboo answered. "Come on!"

Y/N sighed and gave up. He danced and jumped along to the music, walking over the paint puddles and leaving foot prints on the floor.

He looked into his eyes, noticing the glow he saw the first time he was here. He thought he mistakenly saw the glow but then he realized a similar glow from the side of the room. It was coming from a light source, he thought it was its reflection.

While they danced, Niki came with the other cleaning supplies. Once she saw them, she smiled. Happy to see Ranboo enjoying himself, finally happy again. Niki stood there watching them, trying not to distract them.

After a few minutes, Ranboo decided to change the song to something else. He looked through the song choices and a specific one catched his eye.

His mom's favorite.

//CW: Remembering a character death//

Ranboo and his mom are absolutely close. For the first few years of his life, they spent almost every single hour of the day. Kristin's hobby was painting, similar to Y/N. She was the one who painted most of the paintings in the castle, including Philza's and Techno's.

"Mom?" Ranboo called.

"Hmm?" Kristin turned to look at Ranboo.

"Are you painting dad and Techno again?" Ranboo asked.

"Mhm," She nodded. "I am."

"You always paint them." Ranboo complained.

"Are you sure?" Kristin raised an eyebrow at him.

She pointed at the paintings of Ranboo that are hanged up on the walls and some unfinished ones on the floor.

"Okay," He giggled. "Maybe you paint me more."

It was obvious that she paints Ranboo more. Ranboo is always ready to model for her and according to her, he is the best subject of a painting because of how good he looks. She tries her best to lift up Ranboo's self confidence whenever it would go down by saying all these good things about him, which was proven to be true by the paintings.

One day, while Kristin was painting and Ranboo was modelling for her, she felt ill and Ranboo had to call help to get her to her bedroom.

"Help!" Ranboo shouted as he peaked out the room. "Niki, I need help!"

Niki happens to be just down the hall.

"Yes?" Niki asked with panic faintly noticeable in her voice. "What happened?"

"M-Mom." Ranboo simply said. "Mom, f-feels weak. Call help."

Niki's eyes widened and immediately ran to call for help. A few minutes after, Kristin was already at the floor laying her head down on Ranboo's lap, Philza and Jack, with some helpers came.

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