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Tubbo took Y/N to somewhere much more private so they could talk.

"What's up?" Y/N asked.

"I noticed how you look at Ranboo." Tubbo started. "Do you know him?"

"I mean, of course, I do," Y/N replied. "I've been in this castle for a while now."

"No, like personally," Tubbo added.

"Yeah." Y/N nodded. "We have been hanging out for a while. Why?"

"You like him, don't you?" Tubbo asked.

Y/N cheeks heated up. Y/N nervously replied.

"Pshh. No.. of course, I don't. What makes you say that?" Y/N chuckled nervously.

"You look at him differently," Tubbo answered. "You look like you have that look in your eyes. The look of admiration."

Y/N paused, thinking if they do have feelings for him.

"You do know what this party is for right?" Tubbo asked again.

"No.. I just thought this was just a party." Y/N replied.

"This is supposed to be for Ranboo and Alex's betrothal," Tubbo replied, lowering his voice.

Y/N's heart dropped. Why didn't Ranboo tell him?

Y/N was about to ask Tubbo all the questions he had but then they heard Jack from inside the ballroom. He was going to introduce Tubbo's family as the special guest.

"Let's go back. They need me there." Tubbo told Y/N. Y/N just nodded following him.

When they got inside, Tubbo went straight to his family while Y/N went straight to Dream and Drista.

"Oh hey." Dream greeted when Y/N got back to them.

"Hey." Y/N greeted. They turned to the front again seeing Tubbo and his family being introduced.

"And let us also welcome the royal family of Anthophilia!" Jack announced.

Tubbo and his family stood in front, bowing and waving to everyone. After that, they walked up to their designated seats, near Ranboo and his family.

Y/N was determined to get an explanation from Ranboo but he couldn't find the time to do so. Every time they try to approach him, he is either talking to someone or is forced to talk to someone. They tried going up to them, but other high-level people usually got to him before them. Y/N just couldn't get the chance.

Ranboo was getting annoyed by the constant talking with the guests. All he had to do was to stand there proudly while his father talked with anyone who approached them. He only gets to speak unless he is spoken to first.

He wants to leave. He just wants to spend time with Y/N. Occasionally, he would look over at Tubbo's family. There, the girl he was set up with, was standing proudly as well, but with a fake smile. Ranboo can tell she has no choice either.

Ranboo and Alex knew each other. Both of their kingdoms have been allies for a long time now. When both of them knew they were set up for this betrothal, they were left with no choice.

Alex saw Ranboo looking at her with sad eyes. Alex smiled painfully at him. Ranboo frowned in response and looked back in front of him again, smiling at whoever came up to them.

After a few minutes, Philza told Jack to gather everyone's attention. The king cleared his throat and started to talk.

"As all of you know, this ball is held in honor of the future alliance that will last a lifetime of Enderia and Anthophilia!" Philza announced.

Ranboo and Alex flinched at the mention of their kingdoms' alliance. They hated the fact that they were forced into this.

Y/N, who was in the crowd, listened to the words that the king said. He painfully listened carefully.

"And this alliance will be done through the marriage of our second-born children." Philza continued, glancing at Alex and Ranboo.

Everyone clapped and rejoiced to hear this news. Everyone knew, except Y/N, about this marriage. Both kingdoms were excited to hear that they will be allies until probably the end of time.

"To begin, may I ask Ranboo and Alex to take their first dance on the dance floor?" Philza glanced at Ranboo.

Ranboo simply nodded. As if he had any other choice.

He walked up to where Alex was and offered his hand for her to take. Alex took the hand, showing him a smile. Ranboo can tell the smile was fake. It was only a mask to hide the sadness she was feeling, and they were feeling.

They walked to the middle of the dance floor. Ranboo took one of Alex's hands in his, he placed his other hand on her waist, and she placed her free hand on his shoulder. They waited for the music to play. Once it started, they started dancing along to it.

Everyone was watching. Everyone was smiling, even Alex and Ranboo. Everyone except Y/N. They looked at the two of them painfully.

Dream noticed Y/N's discomfort. He tried to confront her about it.

"Y/N?" Dream said, landing a hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?"

Y/N mumbled something that Dream couldn't quite hear.

"Y/N?" Dream asked again, turning them towards him but Y/N's gaze didn't leave the two dancers.

"He lied to me.." Y/N mumbled but this time, Dream understood what it was. "He.. He lied.."

Dream just knew the pain they were feeling. The way they look at him wasn't jealousy that a friend will have, it was jealousy from someone that loved but got betrayed.

He turned to Dream with tears welling up in his eyes. Dream hugged him, trying his best to comfort him.

"It’s okay." Dream whispered, rubbing circles on Y/N’s back. "You didn’t know, did you?"

Y/N shook their head.

"There might be a reason he kept it from you, right?" Dream continued.

Y/N stepped back from the hug. "He wouldn't be smiling if there was a reason he kept it," Y/N said, angrily. "Why is he happy? I thought we... I thought..."


"I thought we were something.." Y/N muttered. "But nowー"

Y/N looked back at the two royals that were dancing.

"ーIm like nothing."

"Y/N don't say that…" Dream tried to reason with them but there wasn't a way to make them cheer up. Ranboo broke their heart.

Y/N left the ballroom, running back to his room. He removed his mask and wiped away the tears that fell.

In Y/N's eyes, Ranboo was happy, happy with Alex, and Alex was happy with him. He thinks that Ranboo just used them as his pastime.

They arrived at her room, they checked all of the luggage they had. Then peeked out their door and saw that there was one of the servants. He called them and told them he wanted to go home as soon as possible. The servant did what he told them to do and left. He went back into his room and sat on his bed.

They looked at themself in the mirror. Their eyes were puffy and red. They cried more after seeing themself like that. They knew that if Ranboo saw them like that, he would tell them to stop and try to comfort them. But he wasn't there, he was with Alex.

While the two danced, more people joined in on the dance floor and danced along to the music. A little bit later, the servant that Y/N spoke to, came up to the king telling him about Y/N's request. Philza nodded, understanding what he wanted, and told the servant to get the carriage ready immediately. Techno overheard the conversation and his eyes slightly widened. He was surprised he was leaving this early, but he is also worried about why and what made him decide to leave early.

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