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So here's just a little list of chapters that Im working on, If you have any additions of things you wanna see please add them in the comments. Please comment on the ones you want to see sooner so I can prioritize :)

ToA spoilers


-Leo in Elysium after dying before being resuscitated 

-Piper and the Amazon's

-Searching for Thalia grace (this is taking me forever ugh)

-Jason arriving in the underworld

-Percabeth wedding (maybe)

-Frazel moving in together

-Piper visiting Jason 

-Aboard the Argo ll headcanons

-Hazel and Piper Girls night (aboard the Argo)

-Future family, (Kids names, pets, main residence's etc)- Including Frazel, Percabeth, Caleo, Gruniper and more

**Im removing things from this list after I write them to help me stay organized :)

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