Frank and Percy Bromance headcanons

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My complaint of the day, I spent forever trying to find ANY art of Percy and Frank (WHO ARE GOOD FRIENDS) and I found exactly two. Percy and Jason? Who are friendly acquaintances? A MOUNTAIN OF FAN ART!!!

Can we please get some Frank and Percy art. Please. They're such good friends-


-Persassy and Fa are distantly related, and bro's, hence the matching trident tattoo in the tattoo chapter

-They watch movies together, I will preach to the masses that they have similar movie taste, they love action thrillers but nothing too gory and will nerd out together

-Both Harry Potter fans, Percy cant read the books, he loves the movie, Frank adores the books and the movies, and will rant about the inaccuracies to Percy who just sits there like |*--*| ?wHaT?

-They both love the little mermaid and will 100% watch it late at night on some fancy monster-proof Leo tech at three in the morning and sing along

-During a game of truth or dare Jason dares Percy to fluster Frank, it of course takes literally no effort, but from then on its an inside joke. Percy will periodically blow kisses to Frank or make a heart with his hands in inconvenient situations (When Frank is trying to give orders to the Romans Percy is in the corner blowing kisses and mouthing "Good job gorgeous" while Jason and Leo are wheezing in the corner and Hazel is cackling with Piper at Frank's red cheeks)

-Frank, Percy and Hazel go on a trip to Europe at some point and the boys buy those stereotypical french people scarves and wear them everywhere for the next few weeks. At any given opportunity they will sassily swing the scarf for dramatic effect.

-Whenever a new kid shows up at camp half blood Percy will introduce himself as Praetor Frank Zhang, leader of Rome, Son of Mars, then tell the newbie a whole book full of ridiculous stories in the most pretentious tone possible.
"Ahh yes, your favorite color is pink? I could never like pink. Not since the pink goo monster annihilated the entirety of the seventh cohort, I wish I could have saved them... It was just too powerful."
"Oh you're hungry, I remember being hungry when I was camping on the Island of Dumambia.... Tough times... Good thing I had lots of roaches to eat."
"Ahhh yes, the time I stabbed my buddy Leo, Good times good times..."

-Then when the Romans visit camp half blood there's confusion with seven or eight young demigods thinking Percy is Frank

-Then Frank starts doing the same thing and now none of the younger demigods has any idea whats going on

-They go on camping trips together

-Frank teaches Percy how to use chopsticks

-Percy calls Frank all the time on his Leo-tech-monster-proof-phone at least weekly

-Frank hooks Percy on blueberry pies, and teaches him to bake them, they get all artsy dusting them with powdered sugar and then serving it to Hazel on a fancy plate

-They take their kids to splash pads together all the time

-Frank calls Percy Persassy all the time and it catches on (Plot twist-> He is the inventor of Persassy, Rachel hears it and repeats it to her mortal friends, now all mortals call Percy Persassy)

-Percy helps Frank pick the cat that is closest to matching Frank's cat form

-They both love to put on a show to Micheal Buble's song feeling good, and I mean a whole performance, including dramatic arm waving, emphatic lip syncing, theatrical stomping and air drumming

-I would absolutely believe that Frazel names one of their sons Jackson. I'm not generally a fan of just throwing friends (normally deceased heroes) names on kids (Albus Severus I'm looking at you) But Frank, Hazel and Persassy literally freed death together, (I would say Gruniper name a kid after Percy or Annabeth but they literally all have plant names) Both Frank and Hazel respect and look up to Percy so this makes sense to be on many levels, they both got the chance to come into their own supported by Percy, who was a good friend to both of them. (I'm also positive that one is named after Nico but that's a discussion for another time)

-They buy each other balloons, no idea why I think this but for any minor celebration they send each other balloon bouquets

-They 100 000 000% play aquatic hide and seek, in any body of water they can both swim in Frank will turn into an animal of some sort (usually a tiny little fish) and Percy has to try find him.

-They exchange aquatic nicknames, Koi, Shark boy, fanfish, lionfish, plankton(then Percy launches into the spongebob theme), goldie, and occasionally Whale Man (thats the peak insult)

Pjo and HoO oneshots n headcanons:)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora