Back to Camp Jupiter - Frazel - Still kinda angsty

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Heres's Part two! :)

Im so proud of this chapter, hopefully you like it <3

Thank you to @Sandwich_1452 and @riptide2406 my two readers, literally love you both your comments made me so happy


It had been three months, three months, three whole months,

They were in the car on the way home, it all felt wrong, Lavinia was driving, they traveled in silence

Orion was dead

It had taken two months to kill him

He had plagued the Hunters like the black death, killing them off one by one on solo missions, dropping in and attacking the camp, killing wolves, sabotaging their storage

Until finally they had managed to catch him, corner him, and kill him

It hadn't been easy, the fatalities were heavy, the Huntresses numbers was cut in half, no one was spared the grief.

Even Lavinia's humor heavy personality had been dampened,

They drove and drove and drove, during all this Lavinia had give Hazel a crash course in driving so they could continue with practically no stops, they rotated for sleep shifts, they were rarely awake at the same time, conversation was scarce, both equally grateful for the mutual understanding of desire for comfortable silence.

After weeks they were finally back in the state, it was weird how quickly it went, no monster attacks, no over night stops, and they were almost home.

They were so close to home, so close, but neither could bring themselves to feel anything but dread to be back already.

"You know, we could spend one night, maybe two in a motel before going back, just, unwind?"

Lavinia started, making quick questioning eye contact with Hazel, worried that her praetor would scold her

Hazel paused,

"Yea, that would be good, i'm not sure i'm ready to be back yet, we need a break, no driving, no Orion, no huntresses, no fighting.." She replied

Lavinia exhaled, "alright we can go to that one motel on the parkway it looks comfortable??"

Hazel nodded slowly

"id kind of like to dye my hair something different, the pink feels old now..." Lav muttered

Hazel nodded again, "we can walk to the store, get some dye, what were you thinking?" She inquired with a gaunt smile

"maybe green or blue?? I think blue would be nice"

Hazel nodded a third time as they drove into South Berkely.

They continued in silence, Lavinia took them through a drive through to get dinner and continued to the motel.

After checking in both girls went into their room and set their things down. Hazel decided activity number one was to take a good long nap, when she woke up, Lav was in the arm chair int he corner with the window open breathing in the fresh air, reading, with Bubblegum blue hair.

She sat up groggily and wiped her eyes, "nice hair Lav's" she smiled lightly, her friend returned the smile.

The girls spent the next two days in recovery, reading, swimming, snacking, with very little talking, it was a much needed pause, Hazel wanted time to cage her mind to being back as Praetor, expected once more to lead like nothing had happened.

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