Chapter 34: My Lioness!

Start from the beginning

"How about I go to meet her alone today, and tomorrow we all can go together including Dia and Anaya?"

"You just want excuses to meet her daily, don't you?"

"Can't say no." I let out a small chuckle.

"Man, you are whipped."

"No, I ain't. I am leaving now before we end up fighting over this."

Saying this I leave my office and make my way towards my car. I hope Maira is at her office and isn't working late today.

It's quite a bit of a drive before I reach her office. I am about to make my way towards the elevator when I see Maira exiting the elevator.

I take a minute to admire her in a simple black kurti paired with white pants. She has her hair is a messy bun, on top of her head while her large handbag on her shoulder. The black attire highlighting her curvacious body. Her makeup-less face and black thick frames along with few hair strands adorning her face. Even in this casual look she manages to grab my attention. She is looking down and walking towards me, well not me but towards the exit where I now stand.

She looks up and gets startled.

"Hey!" I say first.

"Well, hello?" Her greeting did come out more of as a question.

"You don't seem happy seeing me."

"I am certainly surprised seeing you here." She shoots back.

"You are looking great." I here her snicker.

"Yeah, right, my tired dull face, and hobo hair makes me look great. So to what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you here?" Shit! I didn't think what I will tell her.

"Ac...Actually, Armaan is leaving in a few days and wanted to meet you, so..." I trail of trying to stop my stutter.

"Oh Armaan is also here. Where is he?" She looks behind me.


"Oh, no, no he isn't here. I mean, he wanted to meet you, so I thought I will invite you for lunch tomorrow. Bring Anaya also, Dia will also be there."

"Okayyyyy? And you came all the way here to invite me?"

"Yes?" I am doomed I guess. I can feel the blush creeping up my neck.

"So, what really brought you here, Prince?" I have a feeling she knows the reason due to her slightly suggestive tone. I remain mum trying to think of something to come up with.

"Ohh, the great Prince Jai Singh Rathore is getting all flustered." She teases me.

"I am not flustered." Why does everyone think I am getting flustered? Ughh...

"Ohh I thought I will have to do all the talking seeing how you got tongue tied a moment back."

"I wasn't tongue tied, okay?"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." She winked at me before taking out her phone.

"Whom are you calling?"

"My boyfriend." She replies.

"Maira!" I say in a serious voice.

"I was calling my driver. Chill!"




"I know we established that you are Captain Obvious, doesn't mean you need to prove it again and again. I am calling my driver to take me home."

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