“What” she said still blushing

“Nothing” I smiled and kicked the ball. We continued doing this for the next five minutes before Coach Martinez blew the whistle signaling us to come and circle around her.

“Alright girls we’re going to start by doing some laps around the field. Then we’re going to do some skill testing and end off with a mini game” she cheered. We broke out onto the field and started our jogging. Delilah and I were in the front. We kept an easy past but we were way ahead of the others. We finished our laps in no time. The rest of the try-outs Delilah and I dominated. We were put on the same team when we were playing our mini game. By the end of try-outs Delilah and I were sweating up a storm. Coach called us back into a huddle.

“You girls were amazing today, which is only going to make my job harder” she sighed. “The list will be posted up on Friday. Okay that’s it, you guys can go change.” We headed for the locker room and on the way we congratulated the girls that tried out.

“That was great” I exclaimed as I was changing. Eric, Dylan and Christopher were there when we got out of the locker room.

“You guys were amazing!” Eric smiled. I ran over and jumped on him. He caught me effortlessly and twirled me around. He put me down after a while and gave Delilah a hug. Dylan came up from behind Christopher and gave both me and Dee big hugs.

“I’m so proud of my girls” he said still hugging us.

“Stop embarrassing me Dylan” she blushed. My face held amusement. Since when has Delilah ever been embarrassed, especially by Dylan? I looked over to see David heading over towards us and raised an eyebrow. Now it all made sense.

“Did you guys kick ass?” David asked as he approached us.

“For sure” I told him giving him a fist pound. I saw Drew heading in our direction.

“I saw you two dominate out there. Way to be guys – girls” Drew joked. I looked over at Delilah to see her staring dreamily at David. I stifled at laughter. Eric saw me looking at Delilah and looked over at her. He raised an eyebrow and looked back at me. I shook my head and smiled. He knew I’d explain later.

“Oh my look at the time” I said looking at my watch less wrist. “I’ve got to get home and start on my homework. Drew, Dylan, Eric walk me to the parking lot?” I smiled angelically. Dylan gave me a confused look but didn’t argue.

“Alright, come on Delilah” he said clueless. I smacked my forehead and grabbed his arm.

“Something tells me that Delilah isn’t finished telling David about try-outs. See you guys later” I rushed as I pushed the boys towards the parking lot. Chris sauntered after us. 

“What the heck is going on in your head woman” Drew asked.

“Nothing” I smiled.

“Who wants to get some ice-cream?” I asked

“I'm headed over to Drake’s so sorry I'm going to have to bail on this one” Dylan said sadly.

“It’s alright buddy” I told him then turned to Drew.

“I’m not busy” he smiled at me. I heard Eric growl low at his response. I put my hand on his chest to calm him down. Eric isn’t as willing to give Drew a chance as much as I am.

“Actually we have band practice” Christopher reminded him.

“Oh crap I forgot, sorry I guess we have to do this another time then” Drew said hopefully. I smiled and nodded my head. His face lit up and gave me a hug. He released me and left with Chris.

I Fell For My Geeky Best Friend (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now