Chapter Thirteen

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What the fuck was wrong with me?

I frowned as I stood outside the room and took a deep breath.

Confused by my own behavior, I slowly made my way to the living room.

It was extremely strange of me to behave the way I did with Echo back there. It was as if an entirely different person.

It's been years and I don't even remember the last time I laughed, but with her, it felt as if the things weighing down on me had suddenly evaporated into thin air.

That was a dangerous thing. However, my wolf seemed to enjoy the whole ordeal. Bastard.

When I entered the room, Arlo was nowhere to be found.

After what happened last night with Echo, the incident mocked me right in the face. It meant that I couldn't keep my pack safe. But more importantly, I couldn't keep my mate safe.

I had to get to the bottom of this so I asked Stone to reach out to Arlo and have him come down here.

He didn't waste any time coming here. Surprisingly, he had come alone. It was a little suspicious since the four of them seemed pretty tight the first night I met them.

It was a little suspicious, but I brushed it off for the time being.

I looked around and walked through the doors onto the patio to my left, but I couldn't find him. I thought of checking out the clubhouse by the pool, but was halted in my tracks when he spoke from behind me.

"What happened?"

I turned to face and I could see genuine concern for Echo. A pang of jealously coated my heart. I hated that he got so much time to spend with my mate and I didn't.

But I couldn't let that cloud my judgment, not until I had the answers I needed. He waltzed into my house an hour before demanding to see her.

A fight was on the verge of breaking out, but he didn't seem scared one bit. It was as if he was ready to die for her. And that told me he was something more or at least he had a thing for her.

I cleared my head and tried to focus.

"We don't have the full story yet, but we found Echo in the lake, deep into the woods. It also seemed that she was bound and purposely thrown into the lake with intent to drown her. Whoever did this knew what they were doing," I seethed with anger as I relayed the events of last night to him.

I wanted to break something and soon I would be breaking the bones of whoever was responsible. They weren't going to be spared.

Arlo was silent and it seemed as if his mind was somewhere else.

"Where were you last evening?" I asked in an accusatory manner.

He was taken aback, but soon recovered.

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