Chapter Eleven

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"I don't fucking care what it takes. Find them!" I growled into my phone.

Fury roared through my mind and I wanted to rip apart the person who caused harm to my mate. I was going to do just that as soon as I found them. It would be a pleasure to watch them being shredded to pieces.

When I saw those marks on her hands and feet, I blamed myself. If only I hadn't stood her up and taken her to lunch as promised, she wouldn't be sitting in the opposite room, all wounded and in pain.

This was all my fault and I had to make it up to her in some way.

For so long, not a stranger had entered upon my territory. Every single wolf out there feared us and rightly so. The rumors were true, I wouldn't be denying that.

And for the first time in over a century, four rogues had inhabited my territory and I let them because two of us had found our mates. Our ancestors would be having a fit just looking down at my decision, but I could care less. I swore to never allow anybody to set foot in our territory until now, but still, look where that got us.

Thinking exactly that, I chose to not show up at Echo's house and the fear of strangers got the better of me. I thought maybe if I didn't, I could hold myself up to the standards of our ancestors. I was dead wrong.

My wolf was furious and he made it clear that staying away from our mate was the wrong decision. He blamed me too for what happened tonight.

Shaking my head at my wolf, I tried to tame him and not overtake me because then he would only want to do one thing – mark her; especially seeing how she was dressed right now and just mere couple of feet away.

Good lord, I was a sick son of bitch for having lustful thoughts about her. But everything about her was intoxicating right from her scent. She smelled like sweet strawberries with a hint of danger.

Echo was fucking gorgeous and no woman out there could even come close to her beauty. I was going to mark her and make it clear as day that she was mine and only mine.

Any-fucking-body who stood in my way would be a dead mutt. I don't regret killing and neither am I ever guilt-ridden. I would always protect something or someone that belonged to me.

A need in me rose, to see her, to be near her, but I had to leave because she looked absolutely ravishing just wearing my t-shirt. It was fucking hard to hold myself back from pouncing on her.

It took everything in me to walk out of there before I lost control.

A felt a sudden pain in my head and I realized that I had blocked everyone tonight from reaching me via the mind-link. But the headache could mean only one thing – the pack wanting some answers.

We didn't trust strangers and while every single pack member was against and skeptical of the rogues on our land, they were eager and curious to meet my mate. Just thinking about that brought a hint of smile on my face.

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