Chapter Ten

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The Alpha effortlessly climbed onto his porch and unlocked the door to the house. He carried me over the threshold and swiftly kicked the door close. On the inside, the house was dark, but not for long. It took me a moment to adjust to the darkness, but even after that I couldn't really make out stuff.

He walked a couple of steps ahead and then gently placed my body on a soft surface, like a couch. I shivered when he moved away, missing the warmth of his body.

Within seconds, the fireplace in front of me was lit up and the heat of the fire slowly seeped into my bones making it easier to stay in my wet clothes.

Wet clothes, shit! My eyes widened in shock when I realized that I didn't have a change of clothes with me. What was I going to do?

That made me nervous, but I was too tired to give a damn. Yes, I needed something warm to wear and I could probably just ask the Alpha to drop me at mine, but then I would have to suffer through wearing these wet clothes for longer than I would like. So that option was a bust.

"How are you holding up?" The Alpha asked softly.

I was so lost in my own head that I didn't even realize he was kneeling in front of me, concern etched on his handsome face. It almost melted my heart. Almost.

Because in that moment, something dawned on me; it was his fault I was in this situation in the first place. Slowly everything came rushing in – the events of the day and the highlight being, he ditched me.

On top of, one moment he was this sweet and caring man who was concerned about me, but the next, he was closed off. And that pissed me off.

I felt a sudden jolt of anger and my fists clenched on their own accord. I wanted to tell him to fuck off, but I tried to bite down on my anger, because at the end of the day, he saved me.

I might be his mate, but I was still a stranger to him.

And as a courtesy, I was going to try to be respectful tonight. However, that didn't mean he was off the hook. Tomorrow was a new day and hopefully, I would be all rested up to execute my plan that wasn't fully formed in my head.

"Just a little cold," I replied quickly, looking anywhere, but at him.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw his expression hardened as he stood up.

"Stay here," he said sternly.

Like I was going anywhere – I mentally shook my head, but gave him a slight nod.

I wrapped the blanket tighter around my body and shifted to the edge of the couch to soak in some more heat.

He was gone for a while and I took that time to study my surroundings. It was better than having to constantly think about the wet clothes and dripping hair.

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