A memory..we may share

Start from the beginning

After sometime Jimin had to go to Council Comittee Room, Jungkook too went with him as he got bored with lectures.

Jin irritatingly looking at Jungkook,
" You.. What are you doing here?"
Jungkook knew that Jin got pissed at him after knowing he is such a playful guy. To irritate Jin, Jungkook decided to make much more bad impression to him as he don't have enough time to wait for Jin to make a move on him. Jungkook had to take care of Jin and his friends before the arrival of Suhan. To make sure Suhan won't get bullied by them, he decided to teach Jin and his friends a lesson too.
Jungkook looking pitiful," What Senior,.. Can't I come here with my friend?.. Do you really hate me to be here?"
Everyone on the comittee room was looking at them, Jin noticed it.

Jin irritatingly," Whatever... Just Don't disturb us."
Jungkook looking pitiful," But I didn't even think of disturbing you."
Jin," You.. Why are you acting..."
Hoseok interrupted," Jin, Come here.."
Jungkook politely," Go Senior, he is calling you."

Jin couldn't understand Jungkook's sudden behaviour. But he was sure that Jungkook's presence irritates him. Tae, who was watching Jungkook acting, could not understand suddenly why Jungkook behaving polite to Jin.

Yoongi came towards Jungkook," You.. Don't irritate Jin, that much."
Jungkook acting innocent," But I hadn't done anything to him."
Yoongi," Just your presence makes him irritate.. Not to mention the way you talk before, uff..."
Jungkook," But.."
Jin," Silence, We are starting our meeting."
After the meeting, all the council members left. Only Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok left. To help them Jimin and Tae stayed. And Jungkook, he was just sitting there.

Jin," Don't you have any other works?" Looking at Jungkook.
Jungkook teasingly," I have.. You also know.. Haircut.."
Hoseok," Whatever.. Instead of sitting there like that, help me to arrange these papers."
Jungkook," Fine.."
Jungkook helped Hoseok in no time to arrange the paper.

Jungkook," Done.."
Hoseok surprisingly," What?.. It's done?" Looking at the papers, " I normally take 15 minutes to arrange it."
Jungkook," Well.. It's easy."
Jin mockingly," What?.. Did you used to work to arrange the papers before in your Dad's company?"
Tae laughed at Jin's joke.

But Jungkook replied seriously," Not at his company, but my brother used to ask me to do it at home as a punishment."
Hoseok," What?.. Senior Namjoon ask you to do it as a punishment?"
Jungkook snaps himself," It's.. It's a joke.. Why would my dear brother asked me to work when we have lots of servants at our home?"

Tae heard, that the relation between Namjoon and his step brother Kook was not good, when he was in high school. So he was sure Jungkook was not joking.

Tae actingly," Your brother must have love you too much."
Jungkook," Why are you sure?"
Tae," I mean I heard he even come to our university with you."

Remembering Namjoon, still gave Jin a slight pain. He was using a scissors, but he was too deep in thought that he slighly cut his finger with it. Jimin saw it," Senior, you are bleeding."
Everyone looked at Jin.

Jin," Ah..When did?.. It hurts." Before he realized Jin's tears fell down.
Jimin," Is that hurting that much?"
Jin wiping his tears," No..It just."
Jungkook," What were you thinking that you even don't realized you hurt your finger?.. Not to mention with scissors..Now go to infirmary or else it may got infection."
Jin," Just a second.. I had to wipe my tears first or else everyone will tease me."
Tae," Why are you worried about others when it is you who is hurt?"

Jin shockingly looked at Tae but instead of Tae he saw Namjoon's face. As he was about to step forward, Jin's knee collide with table infront of him and fell down, resulting bruising his knees too.
Jungkook," Are you blind?.. Can't you see?" Coming towards Jin.

Those words again remind Jin of Namjoon. When Jin looked at front, he could see Namjoon's face in all of them.
Hoseok," Jin, are you alright?" About to touch Jin. But Jin distance himself from Hoseok as he could only see Namjoon's face.
Jin," No.. Don't come near me."
Yoongi," Jin, What's wrong?" Patted from back.

Jin," Don't.. You don't come near me.." again distancing himself.
Jimin," What's going on with Senior?"
Jungkook," But why did he look so frightened?" Looking at frightened Jin who was distancing himself from all of them.
Yoongi," Could it be he..." looking at Hoseok.
Hoseok realized," But it already had been a long time.. Why would he..."
Jungkook," Just tell fast, what's wrong with him?"
Hoseok," Well.. Jin had a bad memory of someone.. And he got scared of him.. But.."

Jin suddenly went under the table.
Tae wanted to go near him but Yoongi stopped him," Tae, don't.. Don't go near him.. He will get more scared."
Hoseok," Tae and Jimin, you two just go to the Doc.. He knew about Jin's condition.. But don't tell anyone about it."
Both nodded and went towards infirmary.

Jungkook," But he is still bleeding."
Hoseok," Right now..He just see us as him.. So he won't come outside even if we ask.. Let Doc handle him."
Jungkook still stubbornly sit down and looked at Jin under the table.
Jin scaredly," Don't come.. Don't come near me.. Don't show me your face."
Jungkook got shocked by seeing Jin. Jungkook could see a kid under the bed who too was asking Jungkook to stay away from him.

Kid trembling," Don't come.. I don't want to look at you.. Stay away from me."
The bad memory Jungkook don't want to remember reminised again. Even though he don't like Jin but still seeing Jin made him remember something. Jungkook wanted to walk away from Jin so he was about to walk out.

Jin suddenly bowing his head down,
" You are making me scared.. I don't want to see you."

Jungkook got pissed at this moment suddenly grab the cloth, covering the table, scattering all the things that were on the table. And one even hurt his hands because of his hurried grasp.
Hoseok," It won't work even if you cover Jin."

But they were shocked when Jungkook cover himself with it,
Yoongi surprisingly," What is he doing?"
Jungkook after covering his face slowly raise his hand towards Jin," Someone please help me..."

Jin slowly looked at him," Who are you?"
Jungkook," I'm getting scared..Please help me uncover this cloth..I can't do it myself."
Jin," No...You are tricking me, right?"
Jungkook," No..I'm not... Why don't you look at it yourself?.. My face...That person also hurt me..Look he even cover me and hurt my hand ..And now I'm getting scared.."
Jin," Really?"
Jungkook," I need you.. Please come outside and help me.. I'm scared..Please.."

Jin slowly went towards Jungkook. He slowly was about to uncover the cloth. Hoseok and Yoongi were worried how Jin will react if he still see Namjoon's face on Jungkook. Not to mention before Jin even tried to attack them thinking they were Namjoon. But Before Jin could uncovered the cloth,
Jungkook hugged Jin,"I'm scared.. Please help me..That person will hurt me."

Jin was surprised of this sudden grasp but he still slowly patted Jungkook,
" Don't worry...I'll protect you..I'm here with you." Jin hands were trembling but still he was assuring Jungkook to not to be afraid.
Jungkook whispered," You..are just like him.''

Jimin and Tae came with Doc. They saw Jin and Jungkook were hugging each other sitting near under the table. Jin was patting Jungkook who was covered by the tablecloth without getting scared,
Doc surprisingly," How does it happen?"
Hoseok and Yoongi were too surprised to see how Jungkook handle Jin. But Jimin hate the sight of Jungkook being hugged by someone else.

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