|Chapter Twenty-Eight : The Comforter|

Start from the beginning

"No, my mother's brother, my uncle is also alive." I said only to add, "But it can't be him. I don't think so."

"Why?" Kaitlyn's confused eyes asked mine but I just shook my head muttering 'It can't be him' again.

Keith Kingston. My mother's younger brother. He gave up the throne centuries ago when. . .

Well, that's a story for another day. But one thing I'm sure is, he would never do anything wrong. He wasn't that kind of person.

"I think someone might've used a potion or something from the witches. Even they're effective to make people forget things." I suggest only for her brows to furrow.

"Why does everyone think you're the only raven left if your uncle is alive too?" She dodged my suggestion with a question of her own.

"Well," I scratched the back of my neck feeling strange under her unwavering gaze, "I spread the rumor so that he remains safe. I have the protection of my guards because I'm a king but my uncle is all alone."

"Oh." She remained quite after that.

My eyes softened as I realized how unsettled she looked with the whole ordeal. I could see it in her eyes and feel it in my bones. I don't know whether it's the mate bond but I knew she still didn't feel alright.

"Kaitlyn," I call out making her stare back into my eyes.

Taking a step forward, I tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear yet again and gently hold her face all the while she stood frozen, staring at each of my actions with precision.

"Take a rest for a while. I'll take you somewhere after that." I smiled assuringly as she remained staring.

"Where?" She had to ask.

"Somewhere. It's a surprise." I shrugged before grabbing hold of her hand and leading her towards the bed, "But first you should sleep the night off so that we reach there by sunrise. I'm sure you'll enjoy the view in the light more."

"What about Narcissa?" She asked not pulling her hand out of mine and following behind on cue. I brisked in the feeling of how fuzzy it made me feel inside. Back to what she asked,

"You don't have to take her permission to go anywhere, Kaitlyn." I gave her a look over my shoulder, "If you're worried about her suspecting you're with me, then we'll leave a note telling her you're out for shopping from the sea carnival. I can compel the guards to believe you went there with some other guards accompanying you. That'll take Narcissa off our head."

Kaitlyn just hummed in reply.

I make her sit on the bed once we're in front of it. Leaning down on my knees to her sitting position, I carefully remove the the high-heeled shoes off her feet and see her let out a sigh of content.

"That's much better." She lets out a moan of satisfaction making my fingers that were massaging her soft feet freeze at the sound.

Don't. You. Dare. Think. Anything. Stupid. Valerian.

Don't you dare!

Once I've brushed away any wayward thought from my head and am assured she's all fine, I take my hands off her feet. Kaitlyn rests back against the mattress of the bed while I cover the quilt over her.

"Why didn't you tell me about my being your mate,Valerian?" She asks shutting her eyes, "And don't give me the stupid excuse of 'I wanted to keep you safe'."

I smile at the way she's speaking frankly with me. I know she's still not that frank around me but we're getting there.

Scratching the back of my neck, "That's actually the reason." I retort suddenly feeling more dumb than ever for hiding it from her, "If people came to know you're my mate, then...." My words waver as I think of the gruesome image of Katherine's remains.

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