Seongjoong pt.5 (F, A)

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"Ok, Atiny!" Hongjoong announced, trying to repair the fragile shards of an emotional mirror this fansign was being reduced to. "Who wants to get their albums and photobooks signed?"

All of the Atinys cheered eagerly in anticipation and immediately got in line for a chance to get an autograph from one of the members. About thirty minutes later, after the signing of the Atinys' many different possessions was almost over, Seonghwa emerged from backstage, looking remarkably emotionally composed. 

A couple fans ran over to Hwa frantically, asking him, "Seonghwa-oppa, are you ok? Is your stomach feeling better?''

Seonghwa smiled at them tenderly. One thing was for sure, no matter how sad or angry he was feeling, Ateez's adoring, kind fans always were able to cheer him up. "I'm feeling better now, thank you for asking. Do any of you want an autograph or selfie with me?'' 

               ~Slight Time Skip~
The fansign was starting to wrap up, with only about half an hour left. Thankfully, they only had one more thing on the schedule - the paper kiss game...  The game was infamous for going very wrong, so all the Atinys and even a few of the members were excited to see how it would go. One of Ateez's staff members told all of them to get in a line. 

Seonghwa and Hongjoong were quite confused, not knowing that Yeosang had added this little game to the schedule as part of his aforementioned secret plan. "Huh?" They both asked at once. "Why do we have to get in a line?" Of course, since they both asked the same question at the same time, the couple turned beet-red and then acted as though they didn't hear the other. 

"We're playing the paper kiss game!" San exclaimed, with a sly glance at Wooyoung, who winked back at him. 

"WHAT?" They shouted, again at once, this time attracting the attention of a couple curious Atinys. 

"Is there a problem, hyungs?" Yeosang asked innocently, even though he was starting to smirk smugly. 

"No no, no problem at all," Hongjoong tittered nervously.

Oh no, what if...

No, Hongjoong couldn't even bring himself to think of what might happen...

Meanwhile, Seonghwa's thoughts were having a fight to the death inside his head. This is a good thing - no, it's not! Just think what might happen, how will you resist? No, that's nonsense! This will give you the perfect opportunity! No, it won't!"

Seonghwa was so deep in thought, he didn't even hear the staff member telling them to switch the order they were standing in. Yeosang, being the shipper that he was, had earlier instructed the staff member with the specific order that he wanted everyone in.

"Ok, guys, based on height, I want Yunho first, Mingi, Jongho, Yeosang, Wooyoung, San, Hongjoong, and finally Seonghwa."

Seonghwa raised his eyebrows in confusion, as this was most certainly not based on height, but he did what he was told anyway. As you can imagine, the Atinys squealed as they saw the line taking shape, providing perfect opportunities for ships to sail.

Meanwhile, Hongjoong was in a cold sweat, as was Seonghwa when the couple noticed they were beside each other. However, neither had time to put together their scattered thoughts before the staff passed Yunho the piece of paper to begin the game.

Yunho and Mingi were a blushing mess as they struggled to pass the piece of paper between their lips, but no slip-ups happened. Mingi then gave it to Jongho, who dropped it in his effort to avoid any contact with Mingi. He picked it up, grabbed Yeosang's shoulders, and leaned in to pass it to him. This earned claps, cheers, and whistles from the crowd of hysteric Atinys. Their long awaited Jongsang ship finally appeared to be sailing. There were many signs of disappointment when the paper was successfully passed between Jongho and Yeosang without any bare lip contact.

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