Seongjoong: A Movie Night Confession: Part Two ( A, F )

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Wooyoung's hyena-like laugh rang through the room. "Ha ha!" he screeched. "This movie is so funny!" Everyone turned to him, an annoyed look collectively on their faces.

"Shh, Woo! You're being too loud," scolded Yeosang.

Wooyoung hung his head with embarrassment. "I'm sorry, guys. I'll be quiet now."

"No, you can laugh, just don't do it so loudly," Yeosang replied, kind of feeling guilty for scolding his best friend. Wooyoung smiled and hugged Yeosang, who returned the embrace gladly.

San winked at Yunho, then yawned exaggeratedly. "I'm tired, guys, so I'm going to bed."

"I'll join you," added Yunho. The two left, presumably to cuddle as they fell asleep.

A few minutes later, Yeosang said,"Well, I'm feeling tired, too. Guess I'll go to bed, also. Want to join me, Jongho?"

"Sure," his crush replied, a smirk spreading across his face. The couple quickly and eagerly disappeared from the room.

"Hey," Wooyoung piped up, "you guys finish watching the movie without me, ok? I need to go keep an eye on those two, and make sure they don't do anything they shouldn't be doing." Wooyoung ran out of the room to go spy on and possibly interfere with whatever Yeosang and Jongho were doing. Now only Seonghwa, Hongjoong, and Mingi were left watching the movie.

"Well," Mingi yawned, "I'm going to turn in too, I guess. Good night, hyungs," he said, leaving the two eldest alone. Mingi was so happy that Yeosang's plan had worked, so he ran to go tell the others.

"This is just great," Hongjoong thought. "Now, this will make things even more awkward between me and Seonghwa, us being left alone like this."

Seonghwa glanced over at Hongjoong, but instantly regretted it. He wasn't sure how he could control himself when his best friend looked so irresistible. Hongjoong appeared deep in thought, his forehead scrunched and brow furrowed. And his cute little nose was wrinkled adorably. Seonghwa just couldn't figure out how this boy was so cute.

All of a sudden, he decided that enough was enough. It was time to finally talk to Hongjoong about his feelings. "Hey Joongie, can we talk?"

Hongjoong blushed at the nickname, but paused the movie and said, "Sure."

Seonghwa gulped, then said,"Well, I'm not sure how to start-"

Hongjoong cut him off and placed his hands on his best friend's. "Seonghwa, it's me. You can trust me, you know."

Seonghwa blushed at this sweet action, but continued,"Ok, so you know how recently, I've been avoiding you? I just wanted to tell you why. The thing is, Hongjoong, I-"

Hongjoong couldn't take it anymore. "Seonghwa, I love you!" he blurted out.

Seonghwa's mind went blank at this exclamation. He could not believe that his best friend had feelings for him in return. That was all he had ever hoped for. "What? You love me?" Seonghwa questioned, hardly daring to believe it.

"Yes, I do. Why, do you not feel the same way?" Hongjoong replied, a frown falling over his face.

"No, I do. Hongjoong, I love you, too," said Seonghwa, with a big grin on his face.

"I'm really happy to hear that. I thought you were avoiding me because you didn't like me," Hongjoong remarked.

"No, I was kind of ignoring you because I didn't want to accidentally show my feelings and have you reject me," explained Seonghwa.

All of a sudden, Hongjoong started to laugh. "What's so funny?" Seonghwa asked, confused.

"It's just, if we would've told each other how we felt earlier, we could've avoided this whole mess."

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