Yunsan: I "Espresso-ly" Love You ( F )

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Plot: San is a barista in a coffee shop, and Yunho meets him. They instantly fall for each other, and go on a date the next day.

Yunho strolled down the streets of Seoul to his favorite coffee shop, "A Latte A Day Keeps The Doctor Away." After a hard, trying day of studying for finals, he was in need of some caffeine. Yunho went into the shop, inhaling the entincing, intoxicating scent of fresh ground espresso beans, caramel macchiatos, and vanilla coffee creamer. It was a smell he would never get tired of, even though he had been here more times than he cared to admit.

Yunho got in line and tried to decide what delicious drink he would try, when something caught his eye. In place of the usual barista, Hongjoong, there was a guy Yunho had never seen before. Which was unusual, because Yunho had been to this coffee shop so many times, all the employees were practically his best friends.

"They must've hired someone new," he thought. Yunho attempted to focus his attention back to what drink he was going to order, but he couldn't take his eyes off the new, very cute guy. He had black wavy hair with red streaks, eyes that positively sparkled with joy, and adorable, deep dimples.

The boy, seeing Yunho staring at him, winked, which caused Yunho's heart to about explode out of his chest. He immediately blushed furiously and tried to hide behind the person in front of him. Unfortunately for Yunho, he was really tall, so he couldn't hide from the unwavering stare the barista was giving him. Then, finally, it was Yunho's turn to order, so he stepped up to the counter and said,"Hi, could I have a mocha-"

The boy cut him off. "I saw you staring at me," he said matter of factly.

"Oh," said Yunho, not sure what else to say.

"I'm San, what's your name?" asked the boy, still gazing deep into Yunho's eyes.

"My name's Yunho,'' he replied with a shy smile.

"If you want, my break's in five minutes. We can maybe hang out for a little while,'' San suggested.

"Sure, I'd like that. Oh, and I'll take a mocha iced cappuccino, please."

"Coming right up! I'll bring it to you in a few minutes," said San, with a cute, dimpled smile on his face. Yunho smiled back, then walked over to a secluded table near the back of the shop, eagerly awaiting San's break.

"Hey, here's your drink," San said, sliding into the seat opposite Yunho.

"Thanks," replied Yunho, wondering what to say to start a conversation.

The two boys sat in awkward silence for a few moments until San asked, "So, why were you staring at me earlier?"

"Why were you staring at me back?" Yunho countered.

"Because I thought you were cute!" they both blurted at the same time. "What?" again at the same time. Then San and Yunho started laughing uncontrollably for a few seconds until they finally calmed down, wiping their eyes.

"Well, since we both obviously like each other, do you want to go on a date, even if we just met?" asked San, his dimples very pronounced.

"Yes, I'd love to!" Yunho replied, grinning widely.

"I get off work at five, then we can go out to dinner or something. And speaking of work, my break's over, so I have to go," San said.

"Ok, I'll see you then," answered Yunho. The two boys got up, Yunho walking toward the door, and San to the counter. They both paused, however, then turned around, ran to each other, and shared a warm embrace. Yunho and San broke apart with shy smiles, and they continued on their separate ways.

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