couple talk

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All were out to the last trip of jeju, it's coming one month in here, so they have to go back tomorrow,

At shopping mall-

"This one or this yong" Jen asked, he with his fake smile like he is enjoying this.

"Both babe, you look good in both" He learn it from yuta that never give your honest opinion or you have to suffer for hard beating .

"Oh, you make me flutter but seriously which one" She tasting his patients, he sigh and pic one but her face telling his, that's not what she is thinking.

"But why not that one look it's have a great fabric" She tell him with so much happiness, he just only nod try his best that his agree. When she already decided it then why asking.

"But I don't to make you think that your choice is not good, ok I am getting both" She get it to get on counter, making him hold the next piller to heat his head with it. Sometimes girlfriend are annoying, just jen not new but now he can't fight back.

"Tae baby where are you"" Coming "he says making him look at the mirror for not look like he just beat himself.

" You get all thinks perfect now can we go to eat, I am hungry jen"he asked, the cashier laugh when jennie shook her head telling him she didn't finish yet.

For one hour, they shop all type clothes, he just want sleep now with his hungry stomach. She shake him when he stand with his head low.

"Why are you standing like that I am hungry baby, feed me" She says, sure its make him smile but also naughty thought make it's way.

"Oh then when can go to change room, what you say" He says with his licking his lips, her eyes get wide look at her around if anyone hear him, he laugh at it making her stand there alone with her bags.

"Jen, hay, wait, I am just joking, ho, I can't believe this girlfriend these days, you say I can flirt with you and now I am doing it you left like didn't know me, babe, I going to throw this thing if you don't return back" In quick phase she come back, look at him anger and pout, he with satisfied bring  her close, making both there shoulder touch. Can't denied the tension, they feel but she get her control back.

At restaurant-

"Took you both centuries to get here, we thought just left you behind" Lisa comment, Tae want to argue but ten shaking his head already tried with all things she want to do.

"He is so openly flirting, like if he is not the boy I like then he sure get my beating" Jen comment back making all of them laugh at now a sulking tae.

"But you like it" He reply back sitting close to her, bring her hands on his lap.

"Yeah, kids not pda here we are trying to eat here" Yuta tell them both when he saw them lean on each other, they look away shy about them being scolded by it.

Then they starting telling stories about there stay in other countries, all shares there expression not but taeyong, he just got sensitive about that time.

His quietness can't be hide by jennie, guilt making it's way, she always misunderstood him, never once talk nice, she thought about something that can make his mod better.

After all were tried go again to hotel but not the taejen couple , he just lost in his thought and she bring him some where.

His attention get back on he see the logo of the shop "tattoo, but why are we here Jen" He ask in confused tone, she held his hand and bring him in with her not answering back.

"Excuse me, you can help me to get a tattoo" She ask the worker, who nod at her, tae got shook at it look at her.

"But, jen why, it's aloud in molding" He asked her because it's can be a loss to her, why she is doing it.

"Taeyong, it's my punishment to left you hanging long, you believe me I can't enjoy there either but as much I forgot all things but you didn't, I hurt you so it's just small pain and I will pass in modeling because you know it will be their loss not mine" She says, he smile at it, shaking his head, you can't win against her really.

"What are you getting in tattoo" He asked looking at the picture on walls of the style but look at her when she continue to look at him with a lovely gaze.

"You" She says in her baby voice, he stare at her for 5 minutes, she got worried if she make him sad or mad but he hug her so tight makes all the confusion go away.

"I love jennie so much, you have no idea what I feel in those years, I miss you, I feel like hating you for leaving me alone but I never was nice on you, now I can't make the same mistakes, I make you cry once but after your gone it's my daily routine thinking about you makes me both smile and cry, I actually can't believe you are really here as my girlfriend, I just, just"" Love you so much, me to tae, I really forgot about you but did you know, my eyes only set on you, I left my heart here and now I am going to do same but you promise me you wait, please wait, my promise for you will be your tattoo "she says, giving his face kisses. He giggle at it, nod .

" Then I am going to promise you also, so I myself getting a tattoo "bring her making her stumble on her steps but he held her tight.

That evening is so good when both get there tattoo, him on his chest and her on her neck backside. Just so unreal but at the same time it is after being a couple.

3 more, I am trying my best to complete it soon. Also taeyong ft selugi song 'rose' hear it guys, he post it on his Instagram, do you also waiting for any news of bp because I am, I miss them so much, hope it's update make your night better, thank you, vote and support 💜❤💙

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