Chapter 5

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It's now been a month in a relationship with Matthew. He did promise not drink alcohol but he did , at least he didn't get too drunk. If he did he would be angry and a little harsh towards me , me being me I tried to understand that he was just drunk.

Today we had to go to a business trip on a private island , I'm sure it would be fun , since I was going with Matthew. I have already picked my clothes.

" Babe ? " Matthew called our for me.

" Yes Matt ?" I said walking towards the door.

" Come here , I missed you!" He said and I went to him.

" Listen we are not going to the business trip..." I cut him out

" Oh Gosh why ?" I said putting a sad face

" Actually I think it's better we don't go... We will be there with other people and MEN! What if one of them does something I wouldn't like."

" Come on I'll be fine"

" I'm dead serious, These old business men are old and hungry. And I certainly don't want you to be the target."

" Fine. "

I he looked at me and I crossed my arms, it wasn't actually fine I wanted to go. I've never been to an island before.
I was bored and didn't know what to do , because Matthew doesn't want me at the office because of some new business partner who is male and targets young girvls like me. For God's Sake I'm 21 Argh.
I just went to the shop with John to buy some groceries and a few new casual clothes.
After what felt like days I was finished shopping, as coming back I bumped into a tall man , I didn't look up yet when he grabbed me by my wrist an took me to a familiar car.

" Let me go!" I said by he neither said anything or let go of me.

Once I was in the car I heard Matthew.

" Why did you go out without me , what if someone had actually kidnapped you! Huh? I don't want you out without a proper body guard." He said and he was angry I've never seen him like this.

" Matt relax I was with John."

" John isn't trained he is a driver." He said and gestures for the tall man to let go of me.

"Matthew you need to relax ,you're over reacting! And John knows better than to let anyone kidnap his Boss's girlfriend."

"  Isabella don't back chat to me! Get in the car we are going home. "

" But John! "

" He is gone home long time."

I got into the car and sat quietly while the tall man got in the car. That's when I got to see his face. I stared for long trying to recognize him and he was fair looking and seemed to be in his late 20's or early 30's. I felt a rough pat on my thigh, when I looked at Matthew he was angrier was he jealous?

" I'm here why are you looking at him?" He asked squeezing his hands on my thighs, and it was so painful because his nails were going in my skin.

" I was just looking at him..." He cut me out

" That's my problem , I'm your man and your could you look at someone else while I'm here?!"  He shouted at me , increasing the pain in my thighs

" It's not in that way, I wanted to see if I knew him! And you're hurting me Matthew, " I shouted back and tried to free my thighs from his painful nail grip.

" If you knew him what would you have done?" He asked and moved his hands up my shirt. Oh shit! what is happening. Tell me this isn't going to happen!?

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