Chapter 4

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I woke up the next morning to find myself in my room , with Mr Smith laying besides me . The first thing I did was check if my clothes were on , my heart skipped a beat but I was happy to see my clothes on.

I moved slowly off the bed and went to wash my face, the went for a walk in the garden.
Christina wasn't a maid. Rather she was paid to keep me company... I didn't mind because she was getting close to me and she cared about me. I saw her sitting on the swing . I went to join her. And we talked about how e miss our own places , friends and family.

" Were you also kidnapped?" I asked

" Yes " she answered

" Damn where did you come from? "

" I worked in the market field if the his business" she answered with a sad smile , showing how she was happy before all this happened
" how old are you Bella? "

" I'm 21 how about you?" I asked

" 25 not bad , but you're still young and fresh out of college?"

" Yes I finished high school at the age of 17 , the studied for three years, work for one year in a different company till it was shut down because owner passed on. I was accepted her at Smith's office as a PA. Now I'm stuck here. " I said and felt tears fall from my eyes.

Christina have me. Hug to comfort me.

" But you do like him don't you ?" She asked and my eyes widened
" Be honest with me Im here with you , not only because I'm being paid but because I can see how you look at him. "

" I am not sure , I think it's all the attention he gives me and how he changed his behavior for my sake . He is now caring than before. " I answered as honest as I could.

Later that day. Mr Smith was out and I was free. I knew I was falling for him , so 8 decided I would tell him tonight when he was back . I prepared a speech on how I would tell him , with the help of Christina and the maids.

They made the room beautiful with romantic decorations and filled the table with delicious food.
I told the guard to not open the gate for him until he hoots for the third time. They all agreed . Then I told the maids and Christina to lie to him saying I ran away. They all agreed and I went to my room to get ready.

I got to my room and took a long hot shower, washed my hair. I dressed in one of my most sexy and revealing dresses , but I made sure it wasn't too exposing , I didn't want my body to seduce him yet.
Once I was ready I told everyone to get ready too.

I sat nervously in my bed and scrolled through pictures of clothes , foods , business and hair on social media.

I heard his car hoot the first time... I looked out the window and saw the guard look up to the window. Then he hooted the second time. The guard was looking nervous. Then Mr Smith hooted for the third time, and the gate was opened. He shouted at the guard.

Then I heard the maids apologize to him saying I somehow got out the house and ran away. I the heard the door slam , and angry footsteps , coming towards my door. He knocked three times and kept quite , he entered and saw me and his angry eyes softened up when he saw me smiling to him. He ran to me a hugged me tightly as if we met after several years. We stood there for almost 10 minutes hugging , I had to pull away eventually.

" Im here so don't worry " I said trying to create some room for my body to breathe.

" What's happening?why did they lie? " He asked while we walked to the lounge.

" You'll know just now come let's first calm down and talk about everything." I was nervous. What if he says or does SOMETHING that might hurt me in the future. He low-key still has his drunkard and abusive self somewhere deep down.

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