Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

<Victoria Grayson>

It's been 3 days since I walked out on Gavin and told him to move on. When I was sitting out in front of his apartment I honestly didn't think that's how the night would end.

I thought Carter had been lying about it, as he usually does about everything, but when Gavin told me that it was true, I didn't know what to do or how to react. I just went numb and my brain couldn't comprehend the rest of the conversation.

I've been holed up in my bedroom for the last 3 days and thankfully, nobody's come to bother me. I just sit in my room and scrutinize every detail of the night I left him.

I remember how he every chance he got, he told me that he was never going to go through with it and that he loved me too much to ever take my life from me. I want to believe him and deep down in my heart I think I do but there's still the fact that he lied to me about being assigned to kill me. More tears well up in my eyes as it think about everything he'd told me.

I believe he loves me and I believe that he would never have gone through with killing me but with everything else that was going on in my life, how could he not tell me that he was in on the plot to murder me, especially since there'd already been an attempt on my life? My phone dings and I pick it up as a distraction from my thoughts. It's another text from Gavin.

He's been sending me the same message all weekend. He tells me he's sorry and that he loves me. My part in this back and forth is kindly not responding because see if I respond then he'll think I've forgiven him and that's something I just can't do. Every time I come close to forgiving him, I remember the things he kept from me and I think that I'm doing the right thing by ignoring him.

I push back my covers and go open up the shade. Sunlight pours into my room and I feel my mood instantly lift. I brush the hair out of my eyes and stare at my reflection in the mirror on my vanity.

I look like crap in all honesty. My eyes are red and puffy from crying and there are bags under them the size of Texas. My hair hasn't been washed in a few days and I'm pretty sure I've lived in the same pair of sweatpants since the morning I came home. I decide I need to freshen up so I head off to my bathroom to shower.

I turn the faucet all the way on hot and I strip out of my dirty outfit. I slip under the faucet and run my fingers through my hair. Thoughts of Gavin come back to my mind as I wash myself. I mean he's an assassin and with all the opportunity he had, why didn't he just kill me? We were alone for weeks together yet it never crossed his mind to kill me.

Shouldn't that tell me something?

That night I could see the pain behind his eyes. He looked at me like he knew he'd screwed everything up. Everything he said that night sounded sincere. It was almost like it was before. Even when I was seething mad at him that night, I felt like every word he said was the truth.

That night, I would've been crazy to accept his apology. He lied to me and he didn't deserve me giving into him just like that. However, now that I've thought over it, maybe forgiving him isn't that crazy.

He was assigned to murder you...Forgiving him would be like forgiving the plague for wiping out half of Europe.

I finish washing my hair and turn off the faucet. I grab a towel and dry myself off fast before rushing into my room to get some clothes. I pull on a pair of jeans and a frumpy sweater I'm pretty sure my grandmother knitted for me. I comb my hair and zip up my leather boots. I grab my phone and car keys before opening my bedroom door. I walk down the stairs practically 2 at a time and artfully avoid my parents who are having a serious conversation at the breakfast table.

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