𝚏𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚢 𝚜𝚒𝚡

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"We need to talk." Namjoon walked into the room Jungkook was staying in. The boy just got out of the shower and was drying his hair as he turned to Namjoon who looked very serious which caught Jungkook's attention as he nodded and let Namjoon continue as he then grabbed his shirt to slip on. "Taehyung wants to become a vampire. He came to me yesterday." Namjoon spilled to Jungkook as he sat on the bed and hugged a pillow. "He what?" Jungkook's eyes widened.

Namjoon looked the same as he nodded and began nibbling on his lip. Watching Jungkook sit on the bed, Namjoon rolled his shoulders back and shrugged. "He's positive he wants this," Namjoon said and all Jungkook did was sigh while running his fingers through his hair. "No. He thinks he wants this. Namjoon, did you at least try to convince him not to do this?" Jungkook asked Namjoon although he knew Namjoon was not entitled to tell Taehyung anything but still, it would be nice if Namjoon did say something. "Of course! I wouldn't want this life on anyone no matter how much they think they want it."

Jungkook nodded at that but he didn't say anything else as he was thinking over everything at this point. It took a couple of minutes before Jungkook was able to actually say something but it wasn't what Namjoon expected, "I gotta break up with him." Jungkook said in a quiet tone while it also sounded unsure. "... I have to do it. He's doing this because of me, I know it and... I don't want him to hate me when he changes. What if he doesn't like it? What if I can't help him control it? I should have never gotten involved with Taehyung and I know that but I had no choice..."

Jungkook looked a bit saddened as he talked, "... But I had a choice to keep him around after everything happened. I had a choice asking him to be my boyfriend. Now... god I don't know anymore. I love him... I love him more than anything and anyone and that's why I need to let him go. I need him to live his human life without me. I just... I want him to be able to live." Jungkook opened up to Namjoon who frowned at Jungkook's words. Although he agreed with Jungkook, he also agreed with Taehyung. Not completely but Taehyung looked like he really wanted this.

Although that was also one of many reasons, Jungkook didn't feel like Yoongi was going to change. Something was off about Yoongi that made Jungkook not want to help him although he tried. It just... didn't feel right whenever he was with Yoongi. So he was afraid Yoongi would try something and then Taehyung would be affected by it so with that, he was going to break up with Taehyung to save him basically. Maybe he was wrong about Yoongi but his gut was telling him he wasn't. If he could just extract Taehyung from the equation then that would make Jungkook feel better knowing Taehyung wouldn't have to be involved.

"... You love him more than anything, anyone and so I have to ask." Namjoon bit down on his lip before leaning forward on the pillow, "Does anyone mean more than Taesoo?" Namjoon asked although it was a little hesitant but Jungkook did not hesitate to nod, "I love Taehyung, Namjoon. More than I ever loved Taesoo and because I love him so much I need to let him go to let him live his best life... and," Jungkook sighed, "I burnt Taesoo's picture." That made Namjoon stand up since well- he was fucking shocked.

Jungkook had that picture ever since Taesoo died. Always had it with him no matter where they went. At some point Jungkook wouldn't even let it go and to hear that Jungkook just... burnt that picture? He really did love Taehyung and that was the sad part considering Jungkook had or well, needed to let Taehyung go. "I really wish Hoseok was here. He would know what to say." Namjoon brought up which made Jungkook smile followed by an airy chuckle, "He did have the best advice. As much as we hated that he was right."

Namjoon agreed with that by laughing and nodding but soon the laughter died down and the two looked at each other with a saddened smile. "Where should we go after this? I was personally thinking... Tokyo?" Namjoon suggested and Jungkook really couldn't help but laugh since Namjoon always suggested Tokyo but it was always Hoseok and Jungkook picking something else. "... Yeah, Tokyo sounds great." Jungkook smiled at Namjoon who smiled back. Although it was a sad moment, they both tried to lighten it up even if Jungkook was hurting.

As for Taehyung he was staring at Yoongi who was staring back at him. Nothing said but they just looked at each other? Until Yoongi finally decided to speak after sighing, "What? Boyfriend ain't giving you enough attention?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow which made Taehyung scoff. "If anything you're the one not getting enough attention. Being caged up like a wild animal and all." Taehyung gulped at his own words. "Please. I can hear your heart beating rapidly from here. It's pretty comfy in here actually. I've grown to like the cement floor."

Taehyung looked away with a small smile that turned into a scoff once more. "... You haven't changed, have you? Jungkook says you have but staring at you... you still have that same look." Taehyung brought up and that caught Yoongi off guard as he stood up and that's when Taehyung gulped and looked up at Yoongi who walked to the bars. "And what is that look, Taehyung? Please, enlighten me." Yoongi held onto the bars while looking at Taehyung.

Though Taehyung stayed quiet and that seemed to only get Yoongi madder by the stare he was giving Taehyung. Yet Taehyung didn't bother to say anything as he looked at Yoongi. Not even a minute later though Yoongi's expression died down as he listened in on Jungkook and Namjoon's talk before he started to laugh a bit, "Well. Before you concern yourself with me, maybe concern yourself with your boyfriend first considering he is going to break up with you." Yoongi pointed at his ears and then pointed up meaning that he was listening in.

Taehyung's face dropped at that as he looked at Yoongi who had a smug look. "You want to be a vampire huh? All for Jungkook I assume? Yet he's planning on breaking your little human heart as we speak." Yoongi told Taehyung everything and the words hurt Taehyung since he didn't know if he should believe Yoongi but he had enough as he stood up and as he was about to leave, Yoongi grabbed at the back of Taehyung's shirt and pulled him back brutally against the bars in which Taehyung hit his head. "Mmph!" Is all Taehyung could get out since Yoongi covered up his mouth and before he could fully get a word, his neck was snapped.

Yoongi stepped away from Taehyung's body that fell onto the floor. "... Sorry Taehyung but I couldn't let you get away," Yoongi said as he then cracked his own neck then with all of his strength, Yoongi kicked the door down and within seconds was escaping the house. On Jungkook's side, he didn't hear anything but a thump and seconds later a crash was heard which alarmed both Namjoon and Jungkook. Getting up from the bed within seconds and racing down to where the crash was heard. Namjoon seeing that the front door was open, "Shit... shit shit shit!"

Jungkook had already left downstairs expecting that Yoongi was gone and he was right... but he also found Taehyung on the floor with blood pooling around his head. "... No.." Jungkook whispered out and it felt like everything was moving in slow motion for Jungkook as he walked over to Taehyung. Not hearing a heartbeat come from the boy made Jungkook come back down from the shock and he started crying the moment he laid eyes on Taehyung's dead body. "No god no.. not again no! No fuck! fuck!!" Jungkook yelled out as he picked up Taehyung's head and put his head on his lap.

There Namjoon came down and found Jungkook leaning into Taehyung, holding him as he cried. The curses and heartbreaking cry coming from Jungkook. Never had Namjoon heard Jungkook cry so hard for anyone, not even Taesoo. Although Jungkook knew he couldn't feel it physically, mentally he felt his heart shatter into a million pieces as he held Taehyung. "No no no I was... no Taehyung, no baby please-" Jungkook brushed Taehyung's hair back with blood on his hands as his voice broke. He was supposed to keep Taehyung safe.. he was... if he just... oh my god.

Jungkook didn't know what to think, what to feel but all he did was cry and cry and cry! It's all he could do. What the fuck just happened? What the fuck!

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