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When Taehyung walked in, he was firstly confused on why everyone from the workplace was there and why it was so crowded but once a few of the workers raised their glasses and welcomed or congratulated Taehyung, he figured out this was all for him which made him overly happy but he didn't want to show it too much. Which resulted in Taehyung getting a bit shy from all the attention he was getting. Totally couldn't wait to tell Jimin about his day.

After Taehyung was told he could get whatever he wanted, Taehyung ordered his food and started to converse with some of the workers that decided to approach him. As for Jungkook, he sat at his usual spot with his usual sandwich but this time he got a sprite. The sprite wasn't for him but for Hoseok since well... Hoseok loved sprite and it was free for him to get so why not? Biting into his sandwich, Jungkook relaxed back on the booth and looked out the window.

Thinking back on the case he was given earlier that day, Jungkook started to pin some things together. Not far from the cinema so that must of meant she was being followed for a while, considering she was with her friends. "You knew about this didn't you?" Taehyung invited himself to sit down across from Jungkook. Clearing his throat, Jungkook looked at the male across from him before looking at his ring and tapping his finger against the table.

"Was I supposed to tell you?" Jungkook asked while keeping his eyes away from Taehyung. "A heads up would have been nice." Taehyung stabbed his fork into his food and quietly spoke 'yum' before taking a bite of the food he chose. "You're a good detective aren't you? Should have figured it out." Jungkook raised an eyebrow. "You and my friend Jimin like to question my skills. I don't like that. I'm very good." The mention of Jimin made Jungkook uncomfortable since all he could think of when he thought about this Jimin dude was him snapping Jinsu's neck.

"Clearly not that good," Jungkook mumbled but Taehyung heard that as he hit the table which made Jungkook look up. "Look me in the eyes and say that again, Jeon." Taehyung now had an eyebrow raised. Jungkook on the other hand- as soon as he looked up at Taehyung lost himself in the person in front of him. It was the first time this happened but when he looked at Taehyung, he got lost in a way? Like everything in front of him would stop for a moment and Taehyung was just there... being himself and it made Jungkook feel happy for a moment.

"That's what I thought," Taehyung mumbled after Jungkook stared at him for a while. Getting back to his food, Taehyung ate peacefully until Jungkook spoke up. "Look at me," Jungkook said after he finally broke out his little trance. This time when Taehyung looked at Jungkook, nothing like before happened. So with that, Jungkook smiled and had Taehyung smiling back at him before he spoke up, "Clearly, you're not that good." Jungkook said to Taehyung, looking into his eyes.

Taehyung's smile dropped as Jungkook said those words. "You're an asshole, you know that?" Those words made Jungkook laugh. Jungkook without realizing it laughed and it wasn't from Hoseok or Namjoon. "You told me to look you in the eyes and-" Jungkook sighed as Taehyung waved his hand in front of Jungkook. "Okay okay okay and I didn't mean it. You didn't have to say that." Taehyung played with his food as Jungkook then thought it over.

Taehyung was surely open with his feelings and words... which always surprised Jungkook but maybe because he is always so surprised by Taehyung is why he laughs and smiles a lot. Now that he was realizing it. "Mm... right." Jungkook cleared his throat before he wrapped up his sandwich. "I gotta get back to work. Enjoy." Jungkook grabbed the drink and was off as Taehyung watched Jungkook walk off. Looking at his food, Taehyung fought with himself before he quickly shoved some food in his mouth and was running out of the restaurant after thanking Kyungsoo.

Meeting up with Jungkook who was taking off his jacket in his office, Taehyung was out of breath. This boy just never failed to surprise Jungkook it was kind of concerning now but it always made Jungkook excited to see what Taehyung would do next. "If I want you to look up to me as a good detective, I'm gonna be on your ass. You're coming to work early? You know what? Me too." Taehyung pointed at Jungkook before he tried to catch his breath again. "Oh so... you're being a..." Jungkook tried to find the perfect word before he smiled. "A copycat."

Taehyung was about to go off on Jungkook but the boy was passing by Taehyung. "Excuse me, I need to work." Jungkook brushed off Taehyung and started to walk for the exit. "If Kyungsoo asks, I'm off to investigate at the cinema. He'll know." Jungkook said as he pushed the door open but Taehyung was quick to stop Jungkook by his words which only made Jungkook sigh. "The cinema? Again? I have like... three cases that involve three women going missing and were last seen at the cinema but it depends on which cinema you have on your file."

That caught Jungkook's attention as he walked back into the building and towards Taehyung who turned and went to grab the files that were given to him. "I just got to look at them last night but three girls went missing just after leaving the cinema at blue square. The first one was seen on camera's leaving but she never got home, the second one left with her boyfriend but her boyfriend said he lost her in a crowd which makes him a suspect but I need to investigate him first to really know and the third... uh, Kyungsoo had."

"Nineteen-year-old female? Bites at the neck, wrist, and thigh?" Jungkook asked Taehyung who nodded at that. There Jungkook held the case up. "Kyungsoo passed it onto me. I didn't know girls were going missing from the same site." Jungkook grabbed the files from Taehyung's desk and Taehyung hummed. "Sadly there is and not enough people know. You think you can crack this case?" Taehyung asked and that made Jungkook scoff since he technically already knew what happened. "Yeah, I'm confident I can," Jungkook added the files with his.

"Hold on a minute- no no no, those are mine." Taehyung pointed at the files. "And I need them since they're all at the same place. It'll help the investigation." Jungkook stood up and this time Taehyung didn't speak but as Jungkook looked at Taehyung, the boy was putting on his jacket. "Alright then, let's go." Taehyung smiled at Jungkook who opened his mouth. "Uh, no, don't. My cases, I'm coming. Now, who's driving." Taehyung asked.

Jungkook found himself sighing deeply as he started to walk away from Taehyung who was following behind Jungkook with a content smile. Meeting up with a few others that started to arrive back from the dinner. "No seriously, who's driving cause like... I live in a van and unless you want us to look like scooby doo then-" Taehyung stopped as Jungkook turned around and held out his keys. "The building has their own vehicles Taehyung. Now please, shush just for five minutes." Jungkook looked at Taehyung who zipped his lips and tossed away the key.

With a forced smile, Jungkook turned around and walked out to the garage of the building. While the time was quiet, Jungkook got to thinking about what Taehyung told him. Taehyung... lives in a van? That was... something unusual and it made Jungkook think if he could ever do that. Wouldn't that be uncomfortable? Shaking his head, Jungkook started up the vehicle. "I know it's not five minutes yet but... put on your seatbelt before you die." Taehyung stopped talking after that.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung for a moment before grabbing his seatbelt and putting it on. Oh if Taehyung only knew Jungkook was very much already dead. Wouldn't that be news to Taehyung? With that, Jungkook started to drive as he thought about the case and everything related. "Did they all happen during the night?" Jungkook asked Taehyung who grabbed the files and opened them up but didn't speak which confused Jungkook. "Are they?" He asked. "I'm waiting for five minutes..." Taehyung mumbled.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung in disbelief. Coming to a stop from traffic, Jungkook looked away and shrugged it off. "Okay," Jungkook spoke lowly and let himself have quiet time before the five minutes were up. "Yes, all happened between eight and twelve." Taehyung finally spoke which had Jungkook nodding. So definitely a vampire. "And how far apart is each file? The dates." Jungkook asked another question. "They all happened uh..." Taehyung did quick math with his fingers. "Three days apart. So these all happened within this week and late last week."

Jungkook got quiet after that as he thought of all the possibilities but one thing he knew for sure was that this was going to be a late night for him since he didn't plan on going home. Late and long night for Jungkook since he kind of figured Taehyung would probably stay with him. Great.

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