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Over the years Jungkook kept to his promise to kill every vampire hunter he could find. Of course he couldn't kill every single one but he was able to kill many that could be a threat to him. Whenever he came across one he would always have to fight for his life because well, let's be honest. Vampire hunters are different than regular humans. They train for these things, to kill the bloodsuckers as they are referred to now. Jungkook was always just two steps behind trying to kill every vampire hunter.

So eventually he decided to take a break from all the killing. Only because he started to have visions of all these hunters coming back for him. It was rare to ever have visions but Jungkook discovered over his years of still being /somewhat/ alive is that if he had 'visions' which would be called dreams if he was still a living human. If he had these visions they would most likely come back to him someway somehow.

You could say they were dreams but Jungkook never slept. Maybe some vampires do as not every vampire could be the same but Jungkook didn't, nor did Hoseok or Namjoon. Just for Jungkook... if he did fall asleep then a vision would occur which would mean his guard would be down for a good amount of time before he woke up. It's been a while since he was able to have a vision though... until one night.

Jungkook decided to go back to Seoul after being away from there for years or more specifically... since Taesoo died. Jungkook has been there now for a few months blending in with the world. Every now and then Jungkook would have to move places just so his identity would stay hidden and he always tried to avoid big crowds since well... if any older people noticed Jungkook then they would question why he didn't age. Eventually, Jungkook did get the hang of compelling people to forget about him so it helped him not leave a trace.

Though now being back in Seoul... Jungkook started having these visions once again but this time they weren't of the vampire hunters coming back for him but... Taesoo? Well... it looked like Taesoo in his dreams but it didn't at the same time? It always left Jungkook wondering what that vision meant. Was Taesoo visiting him in a different form from how he used to be? Was this even Taesoo who was in his vision? Jungkook had no clue.

Jungkook kind of looked forward to his nights now though. Jungkook almost forgot about Taesoo which was surprising considering Jungkook once thought he couldn't live without Taesoo. These visions always made Jungkook so confused but so happy just to see that face he hasn't seen in so long. "Jungkook!" yelled Hoseok in which Jungkook opened his eyes after breaking out of his vision of Taesoo or so he assumed it was Taesoo.

"No... fuck, no!" Jungkook sat up and held his head as he tried to remember the vision he just had. "Fuck." Jungkook groaned as he fell back onto his bed still holding his head. "I'm still quite jealous you get to dream," Hoseok mumbled before sitting at the edge of the bed. "Taesoo... he was... at the police department with me. I walked in... I walked in and he turned around and then..." Jungkook tried to remember the words Taesoo said before it all completely went black since Hoseok woke him.

Jungkook groaned once again as he tossed his pillow at Hoseok. "You made me forget! and it's not dreaming, I told you that." Jungkook got up from his bed and walked over to his closet to grab a shirt to slip on. "Is it not a dream? I mean, you're sleeping and dreaming about Taesoo. Why do you call them visions?" Hoseok asked, forgetting the whole subject of Jungkook seeing Taesoo in the police department. "It's not a dream. Dream's are... look I don't know but it isn't a dream."

"It feels real, like one day it'll happen but how can it happen when Taesoo is dead? All those other 'dreams' came true one way or another. Those hunters? I stopped those visions because I stopped hunting them. I can control my destiny if you will just from my actions." Jungkook explained to Hoseok who was listening with a nod but shrugged it off. "Still sounds like dreaming." Hoseok scoffed. Jungkook could only roll his eyes.

Jungkook turned to the mirror he had in his room and slipped on his shirt. "It's not dreaming," Jungkook mumbled to himself but of course Hoseok heard that as he walked out. "Sure it ain't." Hoseok gave his last words as he walked out of the room. Jungkook not even finding out why Hoseok woke him up. Looking at himself, Jungkook tilted his head. It got him thinking too way back then when he was 'innocent' looking as Namjoon would say.

Jungkook finally let his hair grow out so it was somewhat longer than usual as his right arm was filled with tattoos. It became kind of like an addiction for Jungkook once he started tatting up his arm. He was stronger than before and faster than before. It amazed Hoseok considering he's way older than Jungkook but is only half as strong. Jungkook was basically a 'babe' magnet as Namjoon would say, again.

Speaking of Namjoon, "Did you have a dream to be a detective or is this just apart of your master plan to kill all the vampire hunters?" Namjoon was suddenly on Jungkook's bed, laying back with a sigh. Jungkook fixed up his shirt before turning to Namjoon. "I've been away from human interaction for literally my whole life. Trying to act like a human is now my master plan. I've seen the whole world already and I'm sick of it." Jungkook sighed while letting his arms drop to his sides.

"And playing detective is your way of feeling human?" Namjoon asked, Jungkook nodding as he waved off Namjoon. "I'll be late." he didn't give Namjoon another second as he was out of the room. "Always in a rush." Namjoon sat up on the bed and looked around. For years it's just been Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jungkook side by side. They supported each other through everything and never left anyone behind. A couple of times they were in near-death situations but one of them always found a way out.

It was actually Jungkook's idea to come back to Seoul and as much as Hoseok and were hesitant to do so... they did because Seoul would always be home to them even if the memories weren't always nice. So now Hoseok was simply just doing his own thing along with Namjoon while Jungkook played detective at the police station. It was nice though... to have Jungkook doing something other than killing considering ever since he became a vampire... well, that's all he's been doing.

Falling back onto the bed, Namjoon looked at the ceiling. While Jungkook was walking into the police station after going out to find a quick breakfast. A quick breakfast as in animal blood. Wasn't as pleasing as human blood but Jungkook had to learn his self-control since he kind of lost his way since he lost Taesoo. Slowly though Jungkook was getting better at it again, even faster this time than before. Though as Jungkook approached the police department, he couldn't help but think of his vision.

It looked exactly like the police station Jungkook worked at and that was the confusing part. It looked like Taesoo but it really wasn't because the vibe and the way Taesoo dressed... wasn't like how Taesoo was. Shaking his head, Jungkook stopped for a moment to recollect himself. Jungkook was thinking too much into this and it was starting to give him a headache. "You alright Jeon?" One of the officers walked up to Jungkook who recollected himself and looked up.

"Yeah, rough sleep that's all." Jungkook sucked in a breath before changing the subject. "Quiet night?" Jungkook asked and the officer laughed. "I really wish it was." He started walking with Jungkook. "Yeah, silly of me to ask right?" Jungkook chuckled as the officer laughed it off. "You have a new partner today. It was a last-minute decision but I think you'll work better with a partner." The officer suggested.

Jungkook looked at the officer with a blank expression but deep down Jungkook wanted to deeply sigh. He really thought he would be able to work alone in these cases he was assigned to. "Sounds great." Jungkook ended the conversation as he walked into his little office but was called out in a matter of minutes. "Detective Jeon, I'd like you to meet your partner starting from today, Kim Tae-"

Jungkook couldn't even hear the officer's words as Jungkook caught eyes on the back of a boy that had the same figure, same stance... same hair... same... everything? Then in an instant, as the boy turned Jungkook remembered his vision. "... Tae...soo?" Jungkook spoke without thinking as his confusion was shown. The boy who turned and was now in front of Jungkook smiled but cleared his throat. "Close actually! but no uh, Kim Taehyung." Taehyung held out his hand. Though Jungkook couldn't find it in himself to shake this boy's hand as he stood there in shock.

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