𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚎

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As Hoseok and Namjoon worked together to figure out more information about this 'army' that was being created, Jungkook had his own duty to keep Taehyung safe. It's only been three days but Jungkook was oddly enjoying his days with Taehyung? It was nice having someone other than Namjoon and Hoseok to talk to. Within those three days Taehyung requested to work at home for personal reasons and at first, he was declined of his request but that's where Jungkook came in. Just like how he got his office, he compelled their boss and well, you get it.

So while at Taehyung's home, they worked on cases together. Either it is a case they opened together or a case the other was working on and just needed a little help. Though asking for help out loud was hard for the both of them since they liked working alone, especially Jungkook. Between their breaks, they would talk about everything and anything but it was mostly Taehyung talking about everything and anything. "Oh, and you clearly have better taste in music huh?" Taehyung rolled his eyes after Jungkook finally got up and started to stretch.

"I've lived to hear plenty of music. I'm just saying your choice is... different." Jungkook sat down next to Taehyung who closed his case and sat up. "Okay old man." Taehyung pushed Jungkook a bit which made Jungkook scoff. "I'm twenty-three." Jungkook retorted but Taehyung laughed. "Yeah, keep telling yourself that." He held a pillow in front of him as Jungkook laughed at Taehyung's words. Okay, that was pretty funny to Jungkook. "You think you're so funny huh?"

"Clearly since you laughed." Taehyung continued to laugh. Hearing Taehyung laughing made Jungkook smile widely as he then shook his head. Getting up, Taehyung hurried to grab the bag Jungkook brought back from earlier that afternoon. "Why'd you only get one of everything?" Taehyung asked after looking in the bag to see his snacks Jungkook got him. "Not into food." Jungkook reminded Taehyung with those words and Taehyung quickly remembered as he nodded. "Right, totally forgot." Taehyung sucked in a breath.

Grabbing the dry seaweed, Taehyung sat down next to Jungkook who looked at the snack. "Try it." Taehyung held it to Jungkook's mouth. Jungkook knew Taehyung enough to know he wouldn't take no for an answer. So taking the seaweed into his mouth, Jungkook began to chew. "Good, right?" Taehyung asked as he started to eat some as well. "It's not bad." Jungkook grabbed another piece which made Taehyung smile. "... So do you only drink blood to survive?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook licked his lips while nodding. "It's all any vampire needs to survive. Either it is an everyday thing or just a drop of blood. We only eat food to blend in though."

Taehyung nodded at that as he let his thoughts get the best of him before he quickly broke out of that. "Aren't you hungry? You've been here three days and you haven't left." Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows. Ruffling up Taehyung's hair, Jungkook clicked his tongue. "The longest I went without blood was three weeks. Currently, I'm on my second week without blood. The longer I can go... the more I can control my cravings. Though it's at a cost." Jungkook mentioned which caught Taehyung's attention easily. "What's the cost?" He asked.

"I get weaker." Jungkook nibbled on his lip before grabbing another piece of the dry seaweed. "Not necessarily weak but it'll take me longer to heal if I'm wounded during a fight." Jungkook looked at Taehyung who was nodding slowly. "So... you need blood regardless. To survive, to heal yourself. To be stronger." Taehyung took notes. "Over time I'll get used to it. I'll adapt to the changes but it's going to take some time." Jungkook stood up and took the seaweed from Taehyung who watched Jungkook walk off. "I lied... these are actually really good."

Although he was sad that Jungkook took his snack he had plenty more, and seeing Jungkook enjoy food that was not blood made Taehyung kind of happy and so he didn't bother trying to get it back. He did need to steal a few pieces though in which Jungkook did not make it easy for Taehyung. The hours they spent together didn't even feel like hours. One moment they would be enjoying each other's company and the next moment Taehyung would be asleep for the rest of the night. Just like now but this time Taehyung decided to fall asleep on Jungkook's lap.

Sitting on the bed, Jungkook had Taehyung's head on his lap while his body was covered with a blanket. Jungkook figured Taehyung only fell asleep because Jungkook was running his fingers through his hair. It's not that he willingly did it- at first, it was an accident since he was just too into the moment and then Taehyung forced Jungkook to keep doing so until eventually Taehyung passed out and well... Jungkook just kept brushing his fingers through since he didn't want to wake up Taehyung who looked like he was enjoying his sleep.

Jungkook oddly liked watching Taehyung sleep. He wasn't at all a person who slept in one place. Taehyung was kind of all over the place when he slept. Usually hugging anything that he could find beside him. Sometimes Taehyung would sleep talk but Jungkook could never make it out. What he did learn though was that Taehyung hasn't had a bad dream since Jungkook decided to stay with Taehyung. Which was great, Jungkook thought so anyway. Though of course he wouldn't watch Taehyung sleep all night long. Just when he would come to check on Taehyung.

Tonight though... Jungkook was comfortable sitting on his spot with Taehyung on his lap. There was violin music playing in the background only because Jungkook was showing Taehyung some really good songs he heard in his life but of course, the boy fell asleep. Twirling Taehyung's hair around his finger, Jungkook found himself deep in thought about their situation. This is what Jungkook didn't want to happen but it did and honestly... he wasn't mad about it. Disappointed is what he felt but he wasn't mad. It was nice... feeling the warmth of someone.

Closing his eyes, Jungkook had his head rested back while he ran his fingers through Taehyung's hair but as he did so... his head did that thing. Jungkook fell asleep? But wasn't actually asleep. It was like half of his brain was asleep while the other stayed awake as the vision started to play over and over in Jungkook's head. It was Taehyung walking down the sidewalk, looking back at him with the happiest smile he could imagine. Then Taehyung would kind of blur away before Jungkook blinked and he was alone on the streets. No one around, not even Taehyung.

Which made Jungkook panic. Looking frantically around until he looked up. Then in an instant, there he saw Taehyung's body fall until it hit the cement- "Jungkook?" Taehyung shook Jungkook who suddenly opened his eyes that were widened while he took a gasp for air. Not like he needed to do so but it's what his body did. "You're okay?!" Jungkook spoke out as soon as he saw Taehyung. Instinctively cupping Taehyung's cheek with his right hand while he checked Taehyung for any wounds or just anything out of the blue.

"I'm fine? Jungkook, hey, what's wrong?" Taehyung was sitting in front of Jungkook as he held onto Jungkook's wrist that was cupping his cheek. "Vision..." Jungkook whispered out once he realized what had happened. Shaking his head, Jungkook got up from the bed. If that was a vision... then... Jungkook looked back at Taehyung who was confused at why Jungkook was suddenly acting a certain way. "I need to phone Hoseok okay? I'll-" Jungkook couldn't even finish as he left the van and stepped outside but as he did, he felt his skin start to burn.

"Wait!" Taehyung called out as he got off the bed but stumbled back onto the bed as he saw Jungkook shut the door and cover himself from the sun. Backing up into a few things before he slid down into a sitting position. From Taehyung's point of view, it looked like Jungkook was losing it but as he looked at Jungkook's skin, he saw how his skin suddenly changed and looked like it was burning right in front of him until it started to clear up. It took a minute to actually see that Jungkook was fine though.

That's when Taehyung finally stood up and approached Jungkook. "Here, I have it." Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's hand and slid on the ring. "I didn't- I was just looking at it I swear-" Taehyung thought he would be in a shit ton of trouble with Jungkook for taking off his ring but instead Jungkook grabbed Taehyung and held him in a tight hug. Not enough to crush Taehyung but the hug was just what Jungkook needed. Taehyung was there... he was there and alive and that's all Jungkook cared about at that moment.

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