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Centuries ago, among the humans in the world live another creature that lived in the dark night. The creatures used to blend in with the humans, and lived peacefully with them, until one day, one of the creatures betrayed both the creatures and the humans. The creatures were indeed able to live peacefully within human beings, yet they were able to live also by drinking up human blood. Yes, they were none other than vampires.

After the first big incident, the human beings and the nocturnal creatures called vampires had split and lived in their own worlds. The vampires then built up a castle and picked a pureblood family to raise on top of them all, the very first pureblood vampire family that was ever been born in this world, the very first to birthed many other vampires around the worlds, and the name of the family was none other than the Tepez Family.

The beginning of the very first pureblood family was a mystery itself as none was able to get to it, or perhaps it was hidden from the public, no one really knew and could only guess. Despite that, the vampires somehow knew and agreed that they were the very first ever been born and of course the strongest out of the other vampires, especially to those who had human blood already mixed inside them. So, the Tepez family had been ruling after the nocturnal creatures.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, the human beings had been fearing the said nocturnal creatures. They feared that they would one day be attacked once again. After all, human beings were far weaker than vampires, and they were the most vulnerable ones, one might say. They were betrayed by the vampires once, and they would not want another one. So, to protect themselves, they began building weapons to protect themselves.

Even though, so far, after the split of the two creatures back then, there was no more accident as the Tepez Family had forbidden the vampires to attack human beings who were not meant to be their foods, base on their agreement with the human beings back then. After the split of the two creatures, humans and vampires had come to a peace pact with them signing that vampires would not attack humans randomly so long as they still provide them with blood. So, that was how the two had been living peacefully for some years, and decades.

However, as the generations of human beings had turned to change, the young ones had thought that they did not really have to provide the vampires with blood. They even thought that it would be better for all the vampires to die and vanish from the world after all, so the humans would not have to live under them and would not have to live in fear. The old ones disagree and told them that they had better go on with the pact than endanger themselves. Yet, the young ones did not listen, and so they began to rebel.

As the vampires preferred fresh human blood from the young ones, the humans had no choice to take blood from the young generations. However, the young ones had refused to give their blood to them. The old ones had tried many ways to get their blood, yet, it was in vain, and they were not able to get even a drop of their blood for they had escaped and secluded themselves from the old ones. Silently they had begun to build their own weapons, even stronger than previous ones.

The vampires who were almost run out of stock for the blood came up to the Tepez family to inform them about the news. The Tepez family then immediately called up to the representative of the humans who usually met him, and the one who agreed to their pact. "Killua, it seems like the stocks for the blood have not been delivered yet? My people almost run out of it." The head of the Tepez family said up. "My King, Vladimir, I'm sorry to inform you that we are unable to get blood for the next stock." He said bowing down his head before King Vladimir Tepez. "What do you mean by that?" The King asked sounding surprised and confused at the same time. "Surely you aren't saying that you've forgotten about our pact, no?" He added as he looked down at the human who was still bowing before him.

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