19.Your pov

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Isaac and Scott have been ignoring me since what happend, and to be honest i don't really mind it. I was completly confused and still are. Of course i haven't told Brett what happend, he would kill them. Brett and i are still going strong and i love him to death so i would be happy to keep him out of jail.

"Whats up with Isaac and Scott? They have been ignoring you all week" Lydia ask leaning against her locker next to mine.

"Yeah whats that about?" Allison adds looking over at the boys.

"I don't really know, but i don't really care either" i shrug and start walking to my last class for the day, PE.

After changing i walk out of the girls lockeroom only to walk straight into the twins.

"Waiting for me or something?" I joke.

"Actually yes" Aiden anwser.

"Okay... then whats up?" I ask crossing my arms.

"We want to talk to you about the pack" Ethan say.

"Okay, sure. After school, you can come home with me and Brett" i say as i tie my hair up.

"Sure" they anwser at the same time.

And with that we walk over to the lacrosse filed together. I can feel the packs eyes on me while im standing in between the twins. Coach make two teams so we are going up against echother. To my luck i got Isaac and Scott... BUT i also got Ethan and Aiden, so im good.

"Okay, get your asses on the field NOW" coach shout and blew his whisel.

We ran out onto the field and get in posisjon. Scott and Isaac walked as far away from me as they could. When we start the game i get the ball. I run around a few players, i see that Aiden is open so i pass it to him. He catches it then pass it on to Ethan who scores.

"Go Ethan!!" I shout.

Ethan and Aiden jump and bump chests before they run me over in a group hug making me laugh and fall to the ground.
I feel the packs eyes glearing at me and the two happy pups ontop of me. I pull them in tighter and kiss their heads to fuck with the pack. Theo broke his stick. Scott, Isaac and Liam's eyes glow. Jackson gleard at the twins and the girls just laugh. The boys get of me than take my hands pulling me up. We run back to our team and continue to play. When PE was over our team won. Only Ethan, Aiden and i scored. Isaac and Scott was just standing in the back talking. After changing i walk out of the girls lockeroom.

"Hey" Aiden's voice came from the wall beside the door, scaring me half to death.

"Yeeez, don't do that EVER again!" I scold holding a hand over my heart trying to steady my breathing and heartbeat.

"Sorry, we waited so we could follow your car. Since we don't know where you live you know" Ethan explain chuckeling.

"Yeah...Okay. Brett should be here any minut now so we can go wait by the parkinglot" I say and start walking.

When we get to the parkinglot Brett is already here. The twins go to their motorcycles and put on their gear.

"Why were you with those twins and who are they?" Brett ask clearly jealous.

"They are friends. And yes they are werewolfs. Aaaaand don't hate me but they are comming home with us" i say giving him my best puppy eyes.

"You know your a cat right? Puppy eyes don't work on cats. And why are they comming home with us?" He ask and starts to drive.

"They said we had to talk about the pack, so i thought you would want to know to. Pluss i feel safe with you" i smile at him taking his hand.

"Fine...i will behave" he sigh.

"Thanks love" i say kissing his hand.

I look out the mirror in the car and see that they still are keeping up. We get home and the twins follow us up the stairs to our door. I open it and we all take of our shoes and jackets. The twins leave their gear outside our door to not bring dirt in. We go into the livingroom and sit down. I nudge Brett and nod twards the twins.

"Hi, im Brett. y/n's boyfriend" he say putting his hand out for them to shake.

The twins look at eachother before they take his hand.



A awkward silence take over the room. Nobody really knows what to say.

"Um, what was it about the pack?" I ask getting the attention.

"We heard them talk about what happend" Ethan anwser.

I felt my heartbeat quicken. The boys clearly heard it by the way they were looking at me wiredly.

"What happend?" I ask trying not to meet any of their eyes.

"What happend between you, Isaac and Scott" Aiden anwser looking directly at me.

"What are they talking about y/n?" Brett ask looking from the boys to me.

"I..i..i don't know what your talking about" i say with a shaking voice.

"You didn't tell him?" Ethan ask with his eyebrows raised.

"He would kill them" i mumbel.


I flinch a littel earning concernd looks form the guys. When Aiden went to tutch my hand i flinch harder. He steps back looking at me confused before he look at me with pure anger.

"They did something didn't they?!" He yell.

I shake my head no. Brett and Ethan share a "do you know whats going on" look.

"Did they try?" Aiden ask with a soft voice now.

I nod looking down. He pulls me into a hug and i start crying into his shirt.
Brett let out a low warning growl.
Aiden pull away and whiped my tears away with his thumbs. Brett growl louder. So i step back.

"Please tell us whats going on" Ethan sigh.

"Yeah, i would like to know what happend to my girlfriend that would make kill someone" Brett say throwing his hands in the air.

"Your not gonna like it" Aiden warn.

"I figured" Brett mumbel.

I take a deep breath and we all sit back down. The twins infront of me and Brett beside me holding my hand.

💭Here we go

Teenwolf and the tigerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora