Chapter 3

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I dragged the dead dog behind a dumpster hoping no one will find it. I then jumped on top of the dumpster. One of the lids were open, and the smell was rancid and gross, stinking of crowfood. Maybe some of Scourge's old warriors will want to renew their bones, I thought. That is, if they're still around.

"Did y-you kill that d-dog?" I swung my head to see a skinny white tom. His paws were black, and he looked like he hasn't eaten in a while. I decided to act cruel. "Yeah," I hissed. "You gotta problem with it?" The tom took a step back. "Woah dude, don't be that cruel! I was just wondering," the cat snapped. "Name's Blackfoot. I'm from the forest. What's your's?" I stared intently at Blackfoot. "Fang," I muttered to him. "Nice name," Blackfoot purred contentedly. I hissed. "Get out of my alley."

"Maybe we can form alliances. Then we could get revenge on the forest cats," Blackfoot smoothly said. I thought for a moment, and remembered: Scourge was killed by a cat named Firestar. The Firestar cat lived in the forest. "I don't know..." I mewed. "You'd need a collar for teeth and claws." "I can take care of that," Blackfoot meowed. With that, he jumped into the dumpster and came out moments later with a filthy dark red collar. "You're also gonna have to crave blood and meat," I added. Too much? Blackfoot was confused. "Like prey blood? Cause I crave that." "No",I told him. "Dog and cat blood." He stared at me with wide eyes. Then blinked. "That'll be easy," Blackfoot muttered. "Obviously," I replied. He put on the collar.

"Let's change your name," I growled. "Do you can fit in around here." "Sure," the forest cat replied coolly. "I hate the name Blackfoot anyway," I added coldly before thinking for a moment. Then an idea came in my head. "Your name," I announced. "is Snake." "Cool," Blackfoot - now Snake- snarled evilly. This was the beginning of a new era. The new beginning of the new BloodClan.

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