Chapter 1

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My story starts out as me waking up in the cardboard box I slept in. Since my mom abandoned me, I'm pretty much a loner for now. I leapt out of the old crinkled box I call home and padded to a dirty puddle. I know it's gross, but it's the only source of water I have. It was rather that or nothing, and I'm not a mouse-brain! Of course I chose the water.

After drinking from the brown watery puddle, I went hunting. I wouldn't necessarily call it hunting, cause all I really do is kill pigeons and eat them. They're the most disgusting thing I've ever eaten. Their meat is chewy and stale, which is nasty. But I'm not going be picky and starve myself. Catching and eating the pigeon, I carefully picked black and gray feathers out of my teeth; then padded to a doorway to a human nest. Yes, I call them humans because I've heard many older cats call humans - twolegs - that.

I scratched on the door with my sharp claws, grabbing the attention of the friendly female human. She came out with a bowl full of pellets, and set it down. I'm not a kittypet, I just come to them for an additional meal for my breakfast. I nodded my thanks and started to eat. The pellets tasted bland and crummy. I ate them anyway because they're better than the pigeon meat. After eating, I suddenly heard dog noises. The dogpets, I thought. But no It got louder and louder and louder. My tail starts pricking with fear. I soon realized it: It was coming for me!

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