Chapter 2

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I soon found myself face to face with a blood thirsty husky dog. Its beady green eyes stared directly at me. Then, he howled and lunged at me. I dodged and unsheathed my claws. I'm not a fighter, but I'll at least try to defend myself. I never known how powerful my claws were as I raked my claws along the dog's side. It howled with pain.

I felt ice ripple through my veins. It felt icy and cool...I liked it. I clawed that dog over and over until it bled to death. The blood felt nice and warm on my paws, it felt as good as the ice through my veins. I dared myself and licked the blood. I raised my bloody white paw to my face. Hesitantly, I looked my pad, but was surprised at its amazing taste. The taste was way better than pigeon meat or kittypet food. I then decided to dare myself for more.

Ilooked down at the dog, then bit a peice of meat from the it. It tasted pretty good, which was unusual. I began to eat more of the dog, but got full after a while. Now I bet you're thinking that that's gross. But not for an alley cat who has the blood of the most murderous cat. But I was gonna be that cat and be feared. The plan is all set, making me purr. But then I looked down at the dog. Hmm... I purred and unsheathed my claws at the idea. But first, I need a collar. I slowly picked out a claw from the dog's paw, then pushed it through a hole in the collar I wore. This'll do.

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