Chapter 4

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It's been a few days since I met Snake. I'll tell you, he's actually not that bad of a fighter. His heart is icy cold like mine, and if I keep this up, I'll have BloodClan ruling the always once again. "Okay, Snake," I whispered to the tom. "Let's see you give your best shot." We were in an alley with a boxer dog eating a late morning breakfast; I was testing to see if Snake had the guts to kill a dog yet. "If you kill this one," I whispered to Snake, who was beside me. "You'll earn your first tooth. We can't get revenge on the Clans unless we have a Clan of our own. To get more members, we have to look terrifying." "Sounds good," Snake replied, scraping his claws against the concrete." "Good luck," I purred as he snuck up to the dog.

The huge brown boxer pricked its ears, but was stupid enough to not notice Snake sneaking up to him. Then, Snake yowled and lunged at the dog. The dog was old and slow, so Snake barely made it and grabbed onto the dog. The dog snarled viciously and struggled to shake him off. I saw Snake's muscles pounding underneath his snow white fur. Snake sank his teeth into the back of the dog's neck, making it howled with pain. I licked my lips. The icy feeling returned, and I was excited to try the meat of a dog again. Snake clawed the dog's infected wound, and then the dog fell to the ground, dead. Snake yowled with triumph. I was proud of the cat who seemed like my apprentice.

"Great job, Snake," I yowled as I padded forwards him and the dead body. "It actually wasn't hard," he mewed proudly. I then sank my teeth into the delicious meat. It was savoring, and Snake was staring at me. "You mean you really eat dogs," he asked,stunned. "Yup," I replied with my voice muffled. Snake shrugged and took a bite. "Wow," he gulped. "This is...good." "I know," I agreed, gulping another bite. We ate for a long time. After an hour or so, the dog was done. There was still a little meat on him though. "Here," I offered, giving a tooth to Snake. He took it gratefully and inserted it into his collar.

"Wow," mewed a small voice. Snake and I turned to see three cats. One of them were small in size. "Umm, thanks," Snake replied. I had a feeling he had a crush on that small cat. "I'm Rose," the small cat mewed. Her fur explained why; it was a deep dark ginger. She had an old pink collar with no tag. The other two were both white. One had a blue collar, and the other green. "These two are my brothers," Rose said. "The green collared one is Ice. The blue is Scratch. You two seem really strong! Can we join you or something?" Snake and I looked at each other and back at them. "You'd have to be a killer," I mewed. "I already am. Don't judge me for my size though," Rose mewed coldly. "Same for me,". Ice meowed sternly. "Me too," Scratch mewed the same way. I started thinking the two were twins. "I'm Snake," Snake mewed nervously. "And this is Fang, the leader." I looked at the three. "Have you ever tried dog meat?" I asked. "No," Rose replied. The two strong white cats behind her both shook their heads. "Well," I mewed. "Try some." I showed them the dog corpse. The three took a bite each. "This tastes a little bitter," Rose mewed. "But not bad." The toms both nodded. "Okay," I mewed. "Your in." "Yes!" Rose exclaimed. "Welcome to BloodClan," I mewed. "This may seem small, but trust me, will make this alley thrive!" The three nodded their heads and smiled. These new cats were part of my dream. One step at a time was useless. You work for it nonstop and take three steps at a time to accomplish things in life!

Warriors: The Dark LeaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz