Since finding out about Leonardo, the boys and I had a chat. I had fucked Leonardo over years back, he wanted to bring the shit the North were into down here and when he came to, propositioned me about his plans, I couldn't stand by and let him taint what we had built down here. So I sold him out. Everyone, well bar about 10 people from his gang, kicked him to the curb and told him to never come back. I figured he'd actually just fucked off but that was stupid of me. Of course, he went up North, joined Vicious and got involved with that shit. How he came to be in charge in such a short amount of time I'm unsure of though? He either knew the guy or killed him. Either way, it doesn't affect me and it doesn't get me Zuri back.

But now I know who I'm looking for. What I'm working with. And I thought I would've found her by now. I had replayed it in my head every day, walking through whatever door of whatever room she is being held in and save her. Grab her, kiss her, hold her. But each day that passed, each day I felt further from her. I have never felt so useless before. So helpless. All I want to do is save her and it's the one thing I can't fucking do.

For the entire week, I had more men brought up to Manchester to help us in our efforts. I figured I needed the extra men to cut the time of me covering the whole of Manchester. Thank god I had men up here spying, they had noted down every single hideout possible. But they said, most days they would see Max and ever since Zuri went missing, they haven't seen him once. And that tells me 2 things.

1. They're underground, hidden and waiting to attack or play whatever card they can

2. They're not here. They're not here in Manchester, maybe not this country, and if that is the case, which is what is plaguing my mind tonight especially, then I really am scared I may not find her.

It's hard to track someone down when they disappear out of thin air.

Louis joined us in Manchester after managing to settle Rose, that had been another painful conversation I'd had with her.

"Hello." I said down the phone, Louis had just arrived in Manchester at our base we had made for the time here. I knew my men had been down here, I gave them money and resources, but I didn't really know what they were doing with it. They had bought themselves an old English pub down a quiet street but still in the city centre. It was a nice place and we had taken it over when I brought most of our men up here to help.

"Harry." Rose's breathy voice came through the other end.

"Hi Rose, are you okay?" I winced asking, of course, she isn't but what am I meant to say.

"I'm holding up but where is my daughter?" She asked with a break in her voice. "I thought you would've found her by now." That cuts me, breaking my heart, and instantly I feel disheartened by my efforts. I have been working tirelessly to find Zuri, everything I can do I have done. But I'm not some magical being who can just track her. Especially tracking someone who has been in hiding for years. Leonardo.

"I'm sorry Rose, I don't know where she is." I say under my breath. "I am trying with everything I have, I promise you, there isn't one second of the day where I'm not trying to find Zuri."

I hear her take a heavy breath and a small sob come from her and that sound is something I doubt I will ever forget,

"I know you are." She says softly, so much sadness in those words. "I know, if there is anyone who would be able to find her Harry it is you." I don't know if that is true, not with the way thing are going. I have been in contact with Rhys on the police front, they have an alert out for Zuri Michaels. I had decided that as much as I'm trying my best, and I denied needing help for those first 2 days, I did need it. I needed a larger wider scale. And so the metropolitan police and Scotland yard had put out an alert for her.

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