84- Concerns and Questions

Start from the beginning

"Well, thank you for that insight," Jungkook stated appreciatively, patting his thighs softly as Jimin studied the movement. Jimin figured it was his time to leave as he slowly stood to his feet. "Since I am no longer needed right now, I'll leave you and Tae to the rest of your day together," Jimin announced with a playful wink, walking towards the front door and opening it. "Hopefully, you'll get the answer you're looking for," Jimin added before stepping through the threshold and closing the door behind him.

Jungkook remained rooted to his spot on the couch for several more moments before deciding he was going to prepare breakfast for Taehyung. Jungkook hastily stood to his feet, walked over towards the kitchen, and began to prepare breakfast for everyone. He ensured each child had their own full bottle of milk before loading the breakfast he prepared for Taehyung onto a silver serving tray. He silently crept up the stairs with their breakfast and carried all of it into their bedroom. He set the tray down on the bedside table and gently shook Taehyung to rouse him for breakfast. He wanted the elder to eat something soon and he was going to make sure that he did eat. "Tae baby~ It's time to wake up and eat breakfast," Jungkook greeted as Taehyung groaned softly and peeked open an eye.

"Good morning, my love," Jungkook greeted happily, kissing a groggy Taehyung's lips. When Jungkook pulled away, Taehyung was left wanting more as he pouted and shifted into a sitting position. "Good morning, darling," Taehyung greeted in his groggy, sleep-riddled, deep voice as Jungkook placed the silver tray on Taehyung's lap. Jungkook pressed a tender, loving kiss to Taehyung's forehead before pushing the serving tray closer to him. "You need to eat for the day ahead," Jungkook insisted as Taehyung picked up the fork from the tray. Taehyung glanced at Jungkook before taking a bite of the fluffy scrambled eggs that Jungkook had made for him. Taehyung hummed pleasantly with a soft smile before pulling Jungkook onto the bed with him. "They're delicious, but you're going to help me eat them. You made way too much for just me," Taehyung announced, giggling softly before holding his fork in front of Jungkook's face.

Jungkook hesitantly took a nibble from Taehyung's fork out of embarrassment before the elder huffed in annoyance. "All of it, Kookie," Taehyung insisted, shoving the fork closer to Jungkook's mouth. The younger took the entirety of the serving into his mouth before Taehyung pulled the fork from his mouth. "No need to be embarrassed, my darling," Taehyung cooed playfully, caressing under Jungkook's chin and kissing him. It was a tender kiss at first with many small pecks to each other's lips, but those small pecks began to evolve into longer, more heated kisses. Before Jungkook knew it, the breakfast tray had been pushed aside for Jungkook to straddle Taehyung's legs, pinning the elder beneath him. The kisses grew more intense, Taehyung's nails digging into the fabric of Jungkook's shirt as Jungkook's hands and knees pinned Taehyung's entire body to the mattress.

Jungkook traced Taehyung's lower lip with his tongue, hoping to be granted access until they heard the babies crying. Jungkook immediately pulled away from Taehyung, leaving both of them wanting more as Jungkook hastily grabbed the bottles. Taehyung threw the blankets off of himself and followed after Jungkook to help feed the infants as well. Jungkook watched as Taehyung rocked Annalise back and forth with her bottle, admiring the way his ass would bounce with him. It was hard for Jungkook to tear his eyes away from the elder, even as he held Gabriel to feed him. While he fed Gabriel and Taehyung fed Annalise, Jungkook had time to calm down and realize why he'd brought Taehyung breakfast in the first place. After realizing he'd been unintentionally manipulated into forgetting his reason, Jungkook turned toward Taehyung once more. "Tae... I know you don't want to tell me exactly what's going on with you just yet, but know that I'm ready to listen whenever you'd like to talk about it," Jungkook offered as Taehyung turned toward Jungkook in his surprise.

Taehyung stared at Jungkook for several moments before Jungkook smiled softly. "What? You didn't think I would notice something was wrong?" Jungkook asked softly, eyeing Taehyung up and down with a concerned smile. Taehyung was silent for a moment as he contemplated Jungkook's heavy words. "I- I'll tell you when I'm ready then," Taehyung answered before placing a sleeping Annalise at the top of the 3 seat stroller. Jungkook placed a sleeping Gabriel on the right hand side of the stroller and moved to feed Ezra next. Taehyung peered over Jungkook's shoulder as Jungkook fed Ezra, watching as the little one devoured the milk in the bottle and whimpered for more. Taehyung handed Jungkook what Annalise hadn't finished as Jungkook attempted to quell Ezra's whimpers of hunger with half of a second bottle.

"That's all I ask," Jungkook finally responded, glancing over his shoulder at Taehyung. Jungkook was far from satisfied with Taehyung's answer, but he wasn't going to push Taehyung to tell him either. "So, shall we take the little ones for a walk?" Jungkook asked softly, finally able to rock Ezra back to sleep after he finished off Annalise's bottle. "We'll have to make more bottles before we leave. Just in case they wake up hungry," Taehyung suggested as Jungkook lowered Ezra into the left hand side of the stroller. Jungkook nodded in agreement as he wheeled the stroller towards the staircase, Taehyung helping him carry the stroller down the stairs. "Let's not forget diapers and some other necessities for the babies either," Jungkook added as Taehyung proceeded to make them more bottles.

While Taehyung prepared their bottles, Jungkook collected diapers, diaper rash cream, some pacifiers, blankets, extra clothes and socks, rattles, and soft biscuit snacks before shoving them into a diaper bag. Jungkook grabbed his phone and checked the time, ready to go before Taehyung even finished making the last of the baby's bottles. Taehyung finally returned to them in the living room with six prepared bottles with caps and smiled his infamous boxy smile as he lowered them into the diaper bag. "Shall we go then?" Jungkook inquired excitedly, grabbing Taehyung's hand to loop it around his arm. Taehyung gazed at Jungkook intently, flushed from the courteous gesture and smiling as he nodded his approval before both of them headed out the door.

They strolled leisurely down the long winding path that led down into their driveway. A driveway that was just as long and winding as the walkway from their house. Although Jungkook didn't mind that their walkway and driveway were long. It meant they didn't have neighbors right on top of them, other than Jimin, Hoseok, and Yoongi. Jungkook could feel eyes on them as they walked, glancing back to see Jimin smiling down at them from the guest house. With a small wave from Jimin and a slight nod of acknowledgment from Jungkook, Taehyung and Jungkook continued on their way down the path to the driveway.

Taehyung leaned his head against Jungkook's shoulder as they walked, peeking up at Jungkook with his eyes remaining locked on the younger male. Although, Jungkook didn't pick up on his gaze for several moments before glancing down at the elder male. "Yes, my love?" Jungkook inquired with a tender smile, watching as Taehyung flushed. Jungkook didn't realize he'd embarrassed the elder by calling Taehyung out about staring at him. Jungkook felt Taehyung's hand tense around his arm as Taehyung stumbled over his words. "I- I was j- just admiring your beauty is all," Taehyung finally managed to squeeze out as Jungkook offered another tender smile and a languid laugh. "That should be my line, love... but I'll let it go because it's you," Jungkook responded softly, leaning over to place a chaste kiss upon Taehyung's lips.

They continued their walk to the end of their driveway, taking pictures with each other and the kids with nature as their backdrop. Once they reached the end of their driveway, they turned back around and headed back for the house. All the while, Taehyung's eyes trained on Jungkook with nothing but love. Jungkook was now quite aware of Taehyung's eyes on him for the entirety of their walk back home, but he loved the attention from Taehyung. Every so often, just to surprise Taehyung, Jungkook would quickly lean over and peck the elder's lips playfully. It worked on surprising Taehyung each time as they returned home.

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