Chapter 2 - Y/n

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I blew out my cheeks and was pacing faster than usual. My new heels clicking against the Bifrost. Loki strode ahead of me but every once in a while adjusted his pace so that I'm not left too far behind.

"You know, you could try being less obnoxious about it."

He pretended not to listen and kept walking. I looked up and past his head and saw Asgard in the whole of its glory. The sun rays shimmering and dancing on all that gold, with the dark green forest and trees in contrast. It was spectacular. I didn't realize I had stopped walking till Loki called out my name. I closed my wide agape mouth and jogged up to him.

As I entered the city boundaries, I saw everyone making merry. Dancing about happily, drinking, eating, playing, singing, laughing. I couldn't bear to look any more. I was too nervous. The initial panic was replaced by shock of actually being here. Actually seeing Loki and Heimdall and the Bifrost and now, Odin.

Upon entering the proud castle, a few of the maids acknowledged Loki by bowing slightly and then continuing about their routines. Nobody batted an eye on me, but I knew, soon I will be on my way back.

Loki stopped right before the entrance of Odin's assembly door and I almost smacked into him. He turned on his heels, produced a pair of handcuffs, and cuffed me, all in one smooth move that I didn't register it till the cool metal rested against my wrists. He looked at my hands and I was jolted into existence by a voice in my head.

"You cannot mess this. You have to make this work. Oh dear she is a wreck, a great threat, but my importance hinges on her presence, this has to work. Heimdall says it will."

I was staring at my wrists, too and I looked up into two green, intent eyes. I cannot believe it. I can read his mind. What in the blazing heavens?

His brows furrowed, he looked confused and dropped my hands. He shut his eyes and turned again, "Not a single word by you. I will handle the audience." He jeered at me.

I followed him into the grand hall. I took in a deep breath, let it out and began walking. My head held high, my posture upright. I had to look calm and in control, someone to be trusted under a tight situation. I don't know why, but I knew I had to choose that look, the look of a warrior.

The echoes of my heels hitting the golden floor rose, I could feel my necklace rattling as my heart thumped harder and harder. Loki walked ahead and a little to the left of me, keeping me in view of Odin.

I reached the bottom of the steps that led to his throne, I was focused on doing everything right. Because if I cannot please him, I can make sure the I don't displease him either. I bowed as Loki did. He mouthed something to me while kneeling, but I couldn't make sense of it.


I heard his voice hiss in my head. I realized and quickly came onto my knees. Odin passed us a fleeting glance.

"Keep the mortal in the prison. I'll see to it later."

That's all. That's all that buffoon had to say. The rare chance of me landing in prison and goddamn was I lucky. The shit kinda judgement is that?! 'Keep the mortal in prison' my foot! I be on my best bloody behavior and this man does this! How insolent!

Two guards pulled me up by the shoulders and were leading me away. I only heard last of Loki's thoughts before I broke down crying. I just wanted to be home, I want none of this.

I didn't dare yell out loud or made a scene in the hall, but now in the prison, sharing this cell with another felon, I felt horrible and embarrassed and ashamed and tense. My tears kept hitting my chest, my nose kept running. There wasn't enough tissue in all of Asgard to dry this constant flow.

"Tsk tsk. Such a soft heroine you are. Straighten up, you're a woman." The arrogant voice of my cellmate distracted me. I looked up at her. She was strong and had a very athletic built.

I was to say something when an explosion to my right sent my skin burning. I was screaming and saw an alien like creature creeping up to me, a sleek knife in its hands. I was crawling backwards, screaming and crying and yelling for help.

The knife was closing in on me till it was inevitable that I'm gonna be finished. A last yell and I shut my eyes, raised my hand defensively.

And sudden silence. I heard a sword slicing through the air, piercing armor. I was still breathing. Unbelievable, yet I was. I lowered my hand and opened my eyes. My breathing was rough, too many taken at once. I was perhaps grateful of the miracle. Taking in all of the air possible.

I saw Heimdall looking down at the carcass of the creature, his sword lined with purple blood. I followed his gaze and it settled on Loki, who looked very shook, confused. The same look as he had given me near the hall.

I straightened myself up and got to my feet. I am not able to understand anything. Heimdall never leaves his position, not for the world. If he was here, hacking off the enemy, then it meant serious trouble. The two men exchanged glances, and an understanding passed them and they nodded in agreement. In unison, their gaze fell on me. Loki looked at me and then marched away. Typical.

"Let's get you out of here. It's no longer safe. For you."

I followed them meekly, there was not much I could do. I looked back at my inmate one last time, to make sure she was okay, before going ahead.

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