Thy Sons and Daughters

Start from the beginning

"You kissed my best friend, Gabe! I walked into the room and your f**king lips were on hers! How the f**k is that not what I think?!"

Gabe reached for her again, but she shrugged away from him. He swore then ran his hand through his hair, frustrated.

"For the last time, baby, I did not kiss her, she kissed me."

Freya looked like she wanted to slap him, and if she did, he would be deserving of it because he wasn't helping his case very much.

"You kissed her back, Gabe! I f**king saw you, asshole!"

"Yeah, well, I was confused!"

I laughed and Mik swore, covering his face in embarrassment for his son.

"You were confused? Are you dumb? Is that really the excuse you're going with?"

He opened his mouth to say something else, but she shut him up with a raise of her hand.

"You know what, forget it. I don't want to hear it. We need a break from each other, so you can go f**k whoever you want, and I can do the same."

She turned to walk off, but Gabe grabbed her. She tried her best to pull her hand away from him, but his grip wouldn't loosen.

"What the f**k did you just say? You wanna f**k other people?"

Freya didn't look scared of him, even as the tone of his voice changed. She squared her shoulders and faced him head-on.

"Well, why the f**k not? If you can be confused, then so can I!"

They continued arguing, going back and forth at each other, still not realising that we were in the room.

I was about to alert them to our presence, but just then Rose and Jasper walked through the door as well.

"Stop following me, Freak!"

Rose yelled at Jasper who ignored her and continued following her into the house.

"Call me a freak all you want; you're still not going to Jennet's house."

Rose stopped walking, turning to throw the water bottle she was holding at him. He stepped to the side, and the bottle hit the door instead, the content spilling on the door and the ground.

"Stop telling me what I can and can't do, you're not my father!"

Jasper looked unbothered. He just shrugged his shoulders and smirked at her.

"Well, when I tell uncle K, you definitely won't be going."

Rose stomped her feet and started shouting at him.

"I hate you! I hate you! Why do you keep ruining my life?!"

I decided that it was time to step in and so did Mik. I walked over to my daughter and Mik went to his son. Freya and Gabe also broke apart. Freya hurried over to her sister and Gabe went to stand by his brother.

"What in god's name is going on with this family?"

Rose heard my voice and turned to me, throwing her arms around me, sobbing.

"Daddy, I hate him. Can you send him away from my life forever? I never want to see him again!"

I knew she didn't mean any of what she said, and from the look in Jasper's eyes, it was clear that her words hurt him. However, I didn't say anything to soothe his feelings, because I've been noticing him paying a little too much attention to her lately. I've seen the way he looked at her when he thought no one was watching. He might be Mik's son, and I might love him like my own, but I didn't want him getting attached to my daughter for those same reasons.

I turned to Mik, "I don't appreciate your sons hurting my daughters' feelings."

Mik snorted, "I don't appreciate your daughters playing with my sons' feelings."

Both Rose and Freya stood by my side, each with their arms folded and nose scrunched up in triumph.

Freya spoke first. "Dad, please tell him that it's over between us because he kissed my best friend."

"Yeah dad, and can you tell Jasper that I never want to see or talk to him again and it's weird how he follows me around in school." Rosey chined in.

Both Jasper and Gabe snorted and folded their arms as well.

"Since we're passing messages, dad can you please tell Freya that we are not breaking up ever! I forgive her when I caught her holding hands with Maranda's brother in the club, drunk and about to be dragged off to wherever."

Gabe looked at her challengingly, daring her to deny. She rolled her eyes and stuck her chin higher in the air.

"Dad can you also tell Rosey that I will stop following her around when she stops sneaking off during recess to meet with Billy Bob."

Rose gasped and Jasper smirked at her. His expression said, 'told yah I was going to tell.'

"I do not sneak off to meet with Billy Bob during recess!" Rose defended.

"Oh yeah?" Jasper countered, "Then why do you want to have a sleepover at Jennet Bob's house this weekend?"

Rose stomped her feet, "Because she's my friend, freak!"

Jasper rolled his eyes. "HA! You've barely spoken to her, and you only recently started frequently talking to her because you found out that she's Billy Bob's younger sister. I know because Billy is in my class, and he told me."

Mik looked at me with a smile on his face. We both knew that I wasn't going to win this one.

"Seems to me that my sons were looking out for your daughter's safety."

I don't normally get in my kids' business. I usually let them sort it out themselves. But I had no intention of letting my eleven-year-old daughter have a sleepover at some guy's house. I was a thirteen-year-old kid once and my intention towards her mother when I first saw her was anything but pure. As for Freya, I knew that she needed Gabe to keep her on the straight and narrow. She had a tenancy to go wild whenever they broke up.

I turned to my daughters. "You are not going to anyone's house to have a sleepover, let them come to yours. And Freya, you need to work on your relationship with Gabe, no more breaking up and that's final."

Both girls stomped their feet and walked off to their room, screaming that it wasn't fair.

"Life's not fair!" I yelled after them.

Mik laughed. "I'll take mine with me. I need to educate them on the finer arts of wooing a woman." He looked at Gabe who smiled sheepishly. Then he turned to Jasper and continued, "And how stalking a woman is bad for your health."

I watched as Mik left with his sons following behind him, both looking like they were caught doing something they weren't supposed to be doing. 

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