Our girl ch.75

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I was giving Ellie her pill before we went to the park since Tk was visiting his dad

"El bell you gotta take you pill then we can go to the park okay ?"

"Yeah." She said taking the spoon

"Good girl now go get your shoes on ."

We got in the car and I gave Ellie my phone so she could FaceTime Tk since she wanted to talk to him

"Hi daddy are you meeting us at the park ?" She said waving at the phone

"Yeah bug I'm heading to my car now ." He said

"Okay bye love you Daddy !" She said

We got to the park

"Papa imma go play on the set !." She said

"Okay bug I'll be here okay ?" I said sitting on the bench

She ran off the the sets

I saw a older lady trying to get her groceries into her car so went to go help her

"Hi miss can I help you with that ?" I said lifting the bags into her trunk

"Thank you sir ." She said kissing my cheek

"No problem." I said as I walked back to the bench as Ellie ran to me

"Papa !" She said

"But what's wrong ."

" I did what you guys told me to ! A person offered me candy if I got in there car and I said no and ran away just like you told me !" She said

"Which car."

"They left already !" She said running to the swings

I looked in shock

"Hey what's up ." Tk said putting his hands on my shoulders as he kissed my head causing me to jump at the touch

"Your jumpy ." He said sitting down

"No uh sorry you scared me ." I said taking a breath

"Oh okay ." He said

"Imma go push Ellie on the swings ." He said as Ellie spotted him

"Daddy!" She said from a distance as Tk walked over

"Hey bug ."

*later that night *

Tk got into bed as I stared at the ceiling thinking about earlier

"Carlos ?" Tk said tapping me

"Huh?" I said looking over at me

"I called your name twice you didn't respond ..." he said

"Sorry I kinda zoned out ." I said

"Is there something we need to talk about ?" He said making me turn facing him

"Earlier at the park I went to help this lady with her groceries real quick and when I came back Ellie was running to me telling me how she was offered candy if she got in a car and how she didn't like we told her to.."

"Yeah well at least she listened ."

"But if she didn't and if I was watching I could have got the plate and ran it and I could have made sure that she didn't go near it what if one time she doesn't say no and gets kidnapped because I wasn't watching ." I said

"Carlos she knows what to do and you were watching her you left for a minute to help a person because that's who you are she's fine unharmed our girl is okay ." He said laying his arm on my chest

"She's okay she's safe she's with us ." He said

"One more thing .." I said

"Yeah what's up ?" Tk said

"I was gonna go see my old dad tomorrow and Michelle was gonna go with me ...but uh .. I was wondering if you.."

"Baby I'll go with you I'll ask my dad to babysit Ellie he keeps begging me to bring her over anyways." He said

"Thank you .." I said kissing his head

"You know I would do anything for you babe" he said

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