Cuddle time ch.54

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I got off my shift and headed back to the house I came in seeing Carlos up in the kitchen

"Hey you ." I said walking into the kitchen

"Hey how was work ." Carlos said kissing my forehead

"Very eventful Paul and Mateo almost set the house on fire ." Ik said laughing

" Do I even wanna Know ?" Carlos joked

"No I don't thinks so ." I said laughing leaning up against the island

"But do you wanna talk ?" I questioned looking at Carlos

"About?" He said sitting down at the island

"You called me last night at 3 .." I said grabbing his hands intertwining them with mine

"it's not a big deal ." Carlos said scratching his head

"We're a team right ? That means you can tell me this stuff we lean on each other ." I said

Carlos looked at me then down at his arms

"What was it about ..?" I questioned as he rubbed his eyes

"What happened it just kept replaying in my head over and over ." He said

"It it won't stop ." Carlos said looking at me

"We haven't really talked about it or what happened.." I said

"Do you wanna talk about it ?" I asked him rubbing his back

"I don't I'm sorry I - I don't know .." Carlos said

"Hey we don't have to talk about it it's fine alright.. imma go get changed .." I said

"K.." Carlos said as I headed upstairs

I went to go pick Ellie up from school

"Daddy?" Ellie said from the backseat

"Yeah bug?" I questioned looking at her

"Im worried about papa" she said

"I am to bug I am to ." I said starting my car

*later that night *

I woke up to Carlos moving in his dream and talking

I woke him up carefully to not startle him

"Hey it's okay .." I said as he looked up at me

He didn't talk for a few minutes he just sat there

"Me and Ellie are worried about you .." I said looking at him grabbing his hand

He retracted his hand from mine making
Me flinch

"You should be worried I'm worried!" Carlos said in a tone I never heard him in before

"And stop asking me to talk I don't want to .." Carlos said

I got out of bed

"Imma give you your space ." I said heading out of the room to the couch


I understood why he was upset and didn't wanna talk about it I just didn't want him to keep it in I wanted to work through it with him

I fell sleep eventually after some long thinking on the couch

*the next morning*

I felt a tap on my shoulder looking up to see Carlos

" okay?" I said getting up rubbing my eyes

"I wanna talk ..."Carlos said sitting down

"Okay.."I said looking at him

"I thought he had bruises but they were fake obviously he told me he was going to kill me ..and all that kept running through my head was how I wasn't gonna see you or Ellie again and each time he kicked me I felt myself getting close and closer to dying ..." Carlos said looking at me

"Baby.." I said stroking his face

"I wanted to tell you -." Carlos said as a stroked his cheek

"Hey no this is not your fault you told me when you were ready come here ." I said putting a pillow on my lap for him to lay on

He laid his head on my lap as I stroked my hands through his hair

Ellie came down the stairs

"Are we having cuddle time ?" Ellie asked rubbing her eyes

"Yeah get in here ." I said patting the couch as he snuggled in my other arm

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