Not the time ch.48

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The past few days Tk hasn't been sleeping and he's been really tired and not himself I knew why I just didn't know what to do about it .

I didn't know what to do I didn't want Tk to think that I didn't trust him or believe her could be without his meds but I knew if I let it go on it would only get worse I decided to text Owen to see if he could talk to Tk

I didn't know what to do I didn't want Tk to think that I didn't trust him or believe her could be without his meds but I knew if I let it go on it would only get worse I decided to text Owen to see if he could  talk to Tk

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TK's point of view

My shift was over I went up to go say goodbye to my dad

I knocked on the door frame

"Night dad." I said starting to walk off

"Tk wait ." My dad said as I came back a few steps

"What's up ?" I asked him

"Carlos told me you stopped seeing your therapist and taking your pills ?" He said looking at me

"Dad I'm sorry but I'm not doing this with you right now ."

"Tk this isn't healthy for you ." My dad said

"Bye dad ." I said leaving his office

"Night nance ." I said walking past the ambulance

"Hey are you okay ?" Nancy said looking at me

"Yeah I'm fine thanks ." I said continuing to leave

"Text me ." She yelled as I gave her a thumbs up from over my head

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