He's gone ch.67

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Tommy and I sat at the counter as Ellie played with Tommy's girls as Carlos took a jenga piece from the tower

"They are so cute ." Tommy said sipping her coffee

"Yeah they really are." I said looking at them

"He's good with kids just like Charles was ." Tommy said

I rubbed her back as she watched

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to get emot-." She said as I cut her off

"Hey no you have every right to bring up Charles .." I said

"I'm just glad that they love Carlos so much bc it's important that even tho there dads gone that they still have someone like that .." she said

"I am to .." I said as we looked back at Carlos and the kids

*Later that night*

"T?" Carlos called as I came from the table

"Yeah what's up ?" I said coming into the kitchen

"Try this please ." He said getting a spoon full of soup for me to try

" delicioso." I said smiling

"I wanna try !" Ellie said running into the kitchen

I gave Carlos the spoon as he scooped up some for Ellie

"That's yummy papa." She giggled running back to her play corner

After dinner
Ellie was put to bed I came down seeing Carlos washing dishes

"She's down ." I said wrapping my arms around Carlos hugging him from behind as he smiled

"Thanks ." He smiled rubbing his nose against mine

His phone rang

"One sec." he said stepping away from the sink as I took over the dishes as he took the call in the living room

"Yeah I got it ." I said

I looked back at Carlos as he took the call

He hung up the call as I turned off the sink

"Los what is it ?" I said seeing the look on his face

"Michelle...she's gone ..." he started to cry as I went over to him hugging him as he cried on my shoulder as I felt his tears hit my hoodie

"It's okay baby ..." I said as he cried feeeling his body shake

"She was my best friend..." he said crying as I cat him down letting him lay on my shoulder as I held him

"I know baby I know ..." I said with tears in my eyes but I wanted to be strong for Carlos

"She's gone ." He cried once again as I held him feeling his body shake

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