Slushy ch.14

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I arrived at the scene it was a gas station they didn't give me much detail other than a slushy incident I walked

I walked over to a crowd of people standing in front of the slushy machine

"Police back up please." I said moving through the crowd

I see a girl who's leg is stuck in the slushy machine

"What the hell.."

"He pushed me in !!" The women said

"No I didn't !!" The man exclaimed

I then noticed that the girl had no arms only legs

"Then Can you explain what happened?" I asked the man

"Yes she was getting he slushy and I walked past and accidentally tripped on my shoe lace and number into her next thing I know she's screaming ." He said

"Is that what happened?" I asked looking around at the crowd that was watching

They shook there heads as the lady turned around to be wearing black glasses

" he targeted me because I'm blind !" She yelled

"Miss if your blind who can you surely know that that he pushed you ."

"I felt it ."

The paramedics arrived Tk Nancy and Tommy walked in as the walked through the crowd

"What happened?" Tommy asked

"It was clearly a accident he tripped bumped into her and the slushy machine well .. it did its job I guess you could say ." I said pointing to the slushy cup filled with human flesh that had been turned into a slushy

They looked back at me in shock

They started to get to work

"Have fun ." I whispered in TK's ear walking out as he looked back at me as they go the girl out of the machine

(A/N I know this makes no sense 😂)

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