Chapter Thrity- Four

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Alianna's POV

I woke up blinking from the intense pain in my head and it was super bad, I tried using my hand to soothe the pain but I quickly figured my hands were bound. This all cause panic to go crazy in my whole body the more I blinked trying to focus my eyes but I couldn't see anything it was completely dark.

"hello!!" I shouted causing my head to throb in pain even more, "i-is anyone t-there??" I asked but nothing, just silence. "please..." I said in a whisper. I felt so out of it and I don't even know what's happening. Why am I even here? Where is this place and why couldn't I see?

After what felt like forever a blinding white light came on and it felt as if it was right in front of me. I pressed my eyes close immediately as I still couldn't see before something or better someone grabbed my face forcing me to face upwards.

"you're a pretty one, this is gonna be a ride" he says his voice deep but smooth making me swallow hard. He let's go off of my face walking around me and his every foot step was so loud it was hard to hear otherwise.

"you don't seem to talk much all the others would have been screaming by now" he says and now he was way too close to me making my breath hitch but I stayed quiet.

"brent!!" his hard voice yells and in seconds there was loud thuds of foot steps coming towards me. "yes father? " a new voice says and I still couldn't see anything but it's good they would probably kill me anyway I'd have a better chance not knowing who they are.

"give it here" he said I assume he was taking something from his son "'re his girlfriend huh?" the first man voice asks and I hang my head taking a deep breath. "well I would honestly like to shoot you in the head and send your lifeless body to his house but... I can't do that can I?" he asks "no you can't you know we need her" came a female's voice.

"Oh sweet girl you should have never been in this position but thank god you are" she says sympathetically and she was now in front of me. She grabbed my chin and then all came in view... was I blindfolded?.... There was a brown hair girl standing over me and a dark hair husky man standing behind her with a boy that looks too young. but there goes my chance at not seeing my killers face.

"well well let's get this started shall we, I don't have much time" the girl says happily walking to the door. "get ready chum this is gonna be fun" the man says before walking out also. To be somewhat honest I don't know what's going on why would someone even kidnap me.

"I'm sorry in advance" the little guy says "w-what do you mean? Please h-help me" I plead and he walked behind me and came back with a damp towel dabbing my face gently which I was greatful for because of this headache.

"that's as much help you're gonna get from me, now be good or they'll be rough" he says dropping the towel and walks out. I was scared and even that was an understatement I was terrified, there's no doubt everyone dies but not like this. And what did he mean by they'll be rough are they gonna rape me, there goes the panic... I couldn't control myself not from overthinking and my brain going a hundred miles per hour plus this headache.

"here I am love, are you ready?" the big ugly man asks and I blinked up at him as the girl walked in. "now I have some questions that you have the answers to" he said and I looked at him spaced, he took a chair and sat in front of me giving me no choice but to look at him. "now be a good girl and this will all go well, firstly I need you to tell me where his base is" he says and I just stared at him clueless.

When I didn't reply he grabbed my face harshly with his rough hand and yells "I need answers you bitch!!" "I-I don't know what y-you're talking about " I told him honestly I didn't even know who or what he was referring to. "now now you do...your little boyfriend is a bad person and he has this place where everything happens I'm sure he's taken you there before" he says now all too calm.

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