15: I Trust You

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Jennie kept her mouth shut. She knew for a fact Nancy was full of shit. Lisa wasn't like that anymore. Not since she met Jennie. But still, something inside her began to feel uneasy as she let Nancy's words invade her psyche. Where was Lisa? She just needed to see her face.

As if on cue, Lisa came rushing in out of breath. She saw Jennie and smiled.

"Sorry. My class ran way later than I thought it would and I tried rushing back as fast as I could."

She then noticed Nancy was in the room, as well, and looked back and forth between the two.

"Uh...I see you two have met."

Jennie nodded. "Yeah."

Lisa stood there slightly uncomfortable, rubbing the back of her neck and Jennie's heart melted. She smiled wide and ran up to her, throwing her arms around her and greeting her with a very open-mouthed kiss. Lisa kissed back happily as Nancy, clearly annoyed, huffed loudly, grabbed her backpack and walked out the door.

Lisa pulled away and rested her forehead against Jennie's.



"So that kiss...not that I'm complaining, but that was for Nancy's sake, wasn't it?"

Jennie shrugged. "Yeah. But I also missed you."

"My God, you are so fucking adorable." She kissed Jennie once more before noticing what Jennie had in her hand. "What's this?"

Jennie could feel her cheeks turning pink. "Oh, I brought this for you. I thought maybe you could hang it on your wall if you want. Or not. I just wanted you to have it."

Lisa took the artwork and studied it. It was a painting of two girls, two brunettes, kissing under the night sky. Their faces were obscured but it was obvious what it represented.

"You painted this?"

Jennie nodded shyly. "I wanted to recreate the kiss from our first date. I still feel it whenever I think about it. And while you were here and I was still at home, I couldn't get it out of my head. So I started painting it. I just didn't know the right time to give it to you."

Lisa couldn't stop staring at the painting. "This is beautiful. It's perfect. Wow. Thank you. Thank you so much."

She walked over and stood on her bed to hold the painting on the wall.

"What do you think? Right here? That way I can look at it before I go to bed every night."

"Um...if that's what you want."

Lisa looked back at her and smiled. "That's what I want. Just need to find a nail and a hammer." She stepped down and placed the painting on her desk so it was standing up. "I'll keep it here until then."

She gave Jennie another kiss. "I'm sorry you had to meet Nancy. Especially while I wasn't here. I thought she would have left for class by the time you got here."

"It's fine. I can safely say I don't like her, but it was fine. I think I held my own."

"Still, I should have been here. I'm sorry."

Jennie sat down on Lisa's bed, trying hard to make her next words sound as casual as possible.

"So...that's the girl who prances around in her underwear in front of you?"


"She's really pretty."

Lisa took a deep breath and sat down next to her.

Look At Me // JenlisaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora