"No modern Sheikah technology has been successful," Dori sighed, "there's plenty of these around Hyrule, just polluting the ground."

"Quite unfortunate," Aya sighed. "Wow, her voice is so... deep," Rhiannon thought, "why am I feeling this? Stop it!"

"Princess Rhiannon," Zya said, "how does it feel?"

"How does what feel?" Rhiannon asked. "Excuse me if I sound a bit too intruding," Zya said shyly, "but how does it feel to be a ruler and a soldier?"

"Oh, well," Rhiannon sighed, "it feels good, you know? I can defend myself, I don't need anyone to save me. I'm skilled in sword-fighting, archery, horseback battles, and I know some forms of martial arts."

"Archery?" Tulin asked, "How good would you say you are?"

"Well, I'm no expert at it," Rhiannon replied, "on a scale from one to ten I'd give myself a seven."

"When I was a kid, your dad used to show me how to aim!" Tulin said, "My dad helped him taim Divine Beast Vah Medoh, so in return, Link agreed to give me some archery lessons!"

"Oh, yeah, he told me," Rhiannon said, "I mean, my father used to know Champion Revali in the flesh so--"

"Whoa, really?!" Tulin gasped. "So, it is true," Aya said, "both your parents are over 100 years old."

"Yeah," Rhiannon replied, "my parents knew the original champions."

"I know," Zya said, "my dear Aunt Mipha was in love with Champion Link, for what my father said."

"Excuse me?" Rhiannon gasped, "What did--You know what? I don't even want to know."

"Now that is some hot tea," Dori giggled. "Sorry, who are you again?" Aya asked. "I'm Dori," she replied, "I've been here all evening. I'm Princess Rhiannon's best friend, we've been friends since we were in the womb."

"And, you come from the Sheikah tribe, right?" Zya asked. Dori nodded in response. "I don't know why you are all so surprised," she added, "the Sheikah have always been close to the Royal Hyrulean Family."

"Right," Aya rolled her eyes as subtly as she could. "Need a big strong Goron to move that Guardian?" Koli asked, "I can do it--"

"Don't touch it!" Rhiannon shouted, "Those are silent princesses! They're my mother's favorite flowers and Hylia help me if something happens to them!"

"The silent princesses have grown around the Guardian husk," Dori explained, "to remove it, it would mean we would have to remove the flowers, something I'm sure Princess Zelda would not appreciate."

"Oh, then, I'll leave it there," Koli said shyly. "Anyway," Rhiannon said, "I've heard that some of you here are related to the Champions, right?"

"More or less, yes," Aya replied. "I wish I could've met Aunt Mipha," Zya sighed. "Me too!" added Koli, "I wish I could've met Champion Daruk! He could have taught me to be less awkward..."

"My mother is a descendant of Champion Urbosa," Aya said, "I mean, the resemblance in my family is uncanny."

"I also wish I could have met Champion Revali," Tulin sighed, "my dad always talks about how much he wants to be like him. Revali left a lot of records that haven't been unbroken to this day!"

"Say, princess," Aya added, "Lady Urbosa's diary mentions that she was close to your grandmother, the queen of Hyrule."

"Oh?" Rhiannon gasped, "My mother doesn't talk about Grandmother a lot, she died when she was six years old. My father doesn't talk about his family a lot either."

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