"I'm sorry that I ever doubted you

would be the only one to care for me.                50

I thought for but a moment—maybe hop'd—

that someone else could love a foolish whore,

but I was wrong and now I wallow here,

just like the little girl first you met

who hid here when her parents fought at home."

The Chaplain holds his tongue upon this first

of thoughts that comes to mind, for doth he know

she's speaking of our Preacher, though she won't

deliver him such words so traitorous.

Instead he nods his head and says to her:                60

"I know, my daughter dear, this cruel Earth

would never give a prostitute repose.

And truly thou'rt unlov'd by all but me,

as none can see thee truly as thou art,

except myself who's known thee longer time

than any who're still living to this day,

and lov'd thee for a time identical."

He changes here the subject, testing her.

"But tell me, dear, these days hast thou been here,

refusing t'even speak to me—of all                70

the people in this city—what hast thou

experienc'd up here within this room

I've sav'd for thee since ere thy womanhood?

Thou must have heard the waters rushing round

the church that fill'd the streets and flooded all.

And possibly there's something else which thou

wouldst like to ask about, if there's at all."

The Doll sits up and hugs her knees to chest

as much she can, so swollen with her babe;

she stares with pensive eyes upon her thumbs                80

now hook'd together, biting bottom lip.

The Chaplain places hands upon his lap

to hide a certain something rising up

upon the sight of th'woman's thighs expos'd

behind her shins beneath her risen skirt.

"I had a dream. . ." she says, which breaks his gaze

and reverie to focus once again.

"I had a dream the Preacher spoke to me,

or rather he address'd a larger crowd

so loud his booming voice did almost wake                90

me from my slumber; yet I know I slept,

for he is dead, I'm totally aware."

The Chaplain furrows brow and says to this:

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